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It's already Saturday and Taehyung was bored, he wants to see and cuddle his boyfriend but everytime he'll text or call his boyfriend, Bogum didn't picked up. Taehyung then pout and blink at his phone, he was missing his boyfriend, really. He then sigh, looking at the sky in his room small window and he slowly smiles when he saw the sky was color purple with a slight yellowish, he can already feel that the sun will go down now because it's already 5pm.


Taehyung smiles slowly fade when he suddenly mumble his bestfriend name. He then blink, smiling again because he remembered his bestfriend by just looking at purple with yellowish sky coz he knows that his Ggukie's favorite color is purple.

Taehyung then giggles and he stand up, knows now what to do and where he's going. Of course, his bestfriend. He was missing the warmth of his Ggukie too.

Taehyung then wear his black hoodie with his wide sweatpants, he then look at the mirror to check himself if his face was okay, he then rub his eyes finding dirt. He then giggles realizing what he's doing, even though he knows that his bestfriend loves his face even though he look mess, he knows the elder will still love to see his face. Taehyung then suddenly felt his heart skip a beat weirdly as he smiles, blinking at the mirror.

"Miss him.." - he mumble while looking at himself in the mirror while thinking his bestfriend

Taehyung then smiles and walk to his bed, he then took the spare key of Jungkooks house in his nightstand just incase Jungkooks mom is nowhere or Jungkook is sleeping. Well yeah, he have spare key same to the other, Jungkook have one too.

Taehyung then open the door of his room with excitement and smiles and he was about to take a step downstairs when he suddenly stop as his smiles slowly fade to what he heard.

"What are you doing here?! Stop accusing me!"

"No! You stole my money or your faggot son huh? Where is he?!"

"Don't call my son like that! And how dare you accusing your son like that? He'll never used or want your money! You fucktard just go to hell!"

"What the fuck did you just called me?!"

Taehyung then suddenly felt his body trembling because of anger and sudden nervous because he knows what's going to happen if he don't fight back now and just stay to where he are. He then inhale deeply as he gulp and quickly rush downstairs to see his parents arguing, shouting to each other and his eyes grew big when his father was about to hit his mom but luckily he quickly run to his mom and push weakly his father but enough to protect his mom.

"Don't you fucking dare hit my mom again!" - Taehyung suddenly shout as he suddenly felt his tears brimming in the edge of his eyes while his heart beating fast because of nervous and angry making his parents mostly his mom shock to see and what his son do because this is the first time Taehyung shout at his Dad and even cursed and pushed him but still, his mom is proud.

"Tae baby just go upstairs and go to your room, I'll handle your Dad" - His mom said calmly caressing Taehyung's back who's just shaking his head, looking at his Dad with angry teary eyes while protecting his mom behind him making his Dad to chuckles fakely and smirk

"Wow? You have the audacity to raised your voice to your father? Huh? Is that what you learn in your school you faggot?!" - Taehyung's Dad said shout looking at him dead making Taehyung to felt trembling as he really felt nervous but he need to stay strong, he knows he's weak but he can't let his mom hurt by his stupid Dad

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