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Jungkook slowly open his eyes and he was about to yawn when a hand suddenly landed in his lips and nose with a low mumbles making Jungkook to furrowed his brows, looking down and blink few times to adjust his sight. His heart suddenly beats fast when he saw the younger slightly on top at him, Taehyung's head slightly up while resting his cheeks in Jungkooks chest with a pout form in Taehyung's beautiful lips while his left hand is on Jungkook's lips and nose making Jungkook to eventually smiles softly and took Taehyung's hand that on top of his face making Taehyung to slightly furrowed his brows and just mumble incoherent words that makes Jungkooks to just smiles, feeling his heart so soft and beating fast because of the younger.

Jungkook then roam his eyes on the window and he smile when he saw the bright sunlight which means it's already morning but his slowly fade when he remembered what Taehyung said to him last night... that Taehyung will now see Bogum again and they will have a date. Jungkook then blink as he suddenly felt an ache in his heart again as he sigh a bit, looking down to the person he loves in his arms and he see the younger still sleeping peacefully making Jungkook to slowly smiles as his heart still aching.

Jungkook then caress Taehyung's waist and back before he lean closer down to Taehyung's forehead and he kiss it, letting his lips to linger there before he lowly says-

"Wake up peach.."

But Taehyung didn't show any response and just slightly furrowed brows and a pout making Jungkook to chuckles a bit and just rub Taehyung's back gently before he kiss Taehyung's head again and lean closer to Taehyung's eyes, tapping Taehyung's soft cheeks multiple times before he says-

"Hey pretty, wake up.." - Jungkook said softly while smiling and looking fondly at the younger making Taehyung to suddenly furrowed his brows deeply and deeply pout

"Stop it Gummie"

Jungkook then suddenly stop tapping Taehyung's cheeks and his smiles suddenly fade as his heart that aching suddenly goes to deep pain when he heard what Taehyung's said.

Gummie? He's dreaming about him? Jungkook said sadly in his thoughts and just blink as his heart still in pain and after a seconds he quickly look away from Taehyung with his heart beating fast as it ache.

Jungkook then bite his bottom lips when he suddenly felt a small form of tears that brimming in the edge of his eyes and he just stare at the ceiling with so many emotions in his heart. He knows it's just one nickname, but knowing that his love is dreaming about the other man makes his heart in pain. He knows Taehyung is not his and he shouldn't felt this but he can't help, he can't help it because he really love the younger.

Taehyung on the other hand suddenly felt awake but eyes still shut and brows still furrowed, remembering what he had just dream but he shrugged it because he knows it won't happen in real life. Taehyung then yawn, stretching his arms before he quickly wrapped it to his best friend's neck making Jungkook to blink, heart still aching but he look down to see the younger eyes still close and still yawning and yawning making Jungkook to smiles a bit and just rub Taehyung's back, still remembering what Taehyung just said earlier while he's sleeping that makes his heart ache. That one name.

"Ggukie I'm hungry"

Jungkook then chuckles when the younger suddenly said that with eyes still shut and a pout making Taehyung to slowly open his eyes, blinking for a seconds before he look up, resting his chin in Jungkooks chest and their eyes met making Jungkooks heart to beat fast as he's looking to the ethereal human in his embrace. Taehyung on the other hand, smiles when he saw the elder looking at him smiling, Jungkook looks so good and handsome for Taehyung's eyes like right now, Jungkook just woke up, he's right there and simply looking at him but Taehyung can't help but to felt lucky, thinking that except on Jungkook's mom, he's always the first one who see Jungkook morning beautiful face like right now. He don't know but he felt so happy just thinking that he's the only one who can see a Jungkook morning look, this beautiful human right here that looking softly at him... but he knows that soon except him there's someone who will look to a beautiful Jungkook morning face too and that's makes Taehyung's suddenly felt weird but he shrugged it and just smiles at Jungkook.

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