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Their now laying in the back of beat-up car. Taehyung already wearing Jungkooks hoodie while laying his head on Jungkooks chest while Jungkook right arms wrapped around the younger waist while his other arms using it as his pillow. They were both staring at the night sky, to the moon and the stars that surrounding the moon and the both of them can't help but to felt content, comfortable and happy.




"I wonder if we people can touch the moon?"

Jungkook then smiles softly when he heard Taehyung said that, he then look down and he see the younger smiling while looking at the moon and he can't help but to felt his heart skip a beat. The moon is beautiful but Taehyung is more beautiful under the moon.

"If you want I'll do anything just to go to the moon to test it by myself, how 'bout that hmm??"

Taehyung then giggles when his bestfriend said that making him look up to him and he chuckles when he see the competitive look of Jungkook like 'I can do it' written on his face making him just giggles and look back to the moon.

"Silly" - Taehyung said between his giggles making Jungkook to just smiles softly, staring to the younger and feeling proud and happy that he makes the younger giggled cutely like that

"I can do it ya'know, just tell me if you want" - Jungkook playfully said as he still staring at the beautiful boy in his arms who's still smiling brightly under the moonlight

"And how you can do it? You'll sell your soul to go to heaven and then when the night comes you'll try to touch the moon?"  - Taehyung said as he chuckles softly while still staring at the moon and Jungkook can't help but to smiles, really feeling proud to himself to make Taehyung cheer up after what just happened.

"I can sell my soul just for you, just tell it to me anytime"

When Jungkook said that softly but with a hint of serious tone, Taehyung then quickly look up at his side his heart skip a beat weirdly again when he saw the soft stare of his bestfriend making him felt his cheeks heating up but he shrugged it and just eventually smiles, giggling to what his bestfriend said to him.

"I don't want to lose you, so it means I won't let you sell your soul" - Taehyung simply said, smiling and feeling his heart and tummy felt weird again but he shrugged it and just wrapped his arms tightly around his bestfriend waist and buried his cheeks on the other chest making Jungkook just bite his lips and can't help but to eventually smiles brightly, heart beating fast when he realized what Taehyung just said... that he don't want to lose him...

Jungkook then chuckles a bit and just sigh, wrapping his arms tightly around Taehyung's frame and casually caressing Taehyung's waist making Taehyung to just smiles softly, blinking at his arms, heart and tummy felt still weird but still sad at his so many thoughts.





Jungkook smiles then slowly fade when he heard his full name from Taehyung and he don't know why but his heart suddenly felt uneasy.

"Taehyung?" - Jungkook ask as he look down but he was met with Taehyung's hair, Taehyung then smiles a bit, eyes still closed, there were so many thoughts running in his mind right now and he don't know if what will he say tonight is right.

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