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It's silent, it's just both of their breath and heart that beats that they can hear that makes themselves to felt contented and calm but Taehyung is kinda not... because even though he have so many talks with Jungkook right now but still, his heart and mind still can't forget that word... that makes himself to questions himself.

"You're so fucking boring Taehyung. I don't even know why I even date you at the first place."

A-Am I really boring? Taehyung said in his thoughts as he felt his heart suddenly heavy again, remembering what happened with him and his boyfriend on that store that makes him shaky breath as he felt his tears suddenly brimmed in the edge of his eyes again.

Jungkook on the other hand noticed Taehyung's body that suddenly slightly trembling, noticed how Taehyung's shaky breathe and clenched his hoodie again that makes Jungkook to slightly furrowed his brows as he gently touch Taehyung's cheeks who suddenly let his eyes shut at the warm touch and tears suddenly fall.

Jungkook then noticed that there's another something going on so he quickly but gently lifted Taehyung's head by his soft cheeks and his heart clenched when he saw Taehyung's beautiful features with a tears on his eyes again that looking at him making Jungkook to just felt his heart ache as he gently caress cheeks and wipe Taehyung's tears.

"Hey wh-

"A-Am I b-boring Ggukie?"

Jungkook then suddenly stop to what he's going to ask when Taehyung suddenly ask that with that stupid question making Jungkook to suddenly felt blood boil, thinking that there's someone who said that to him but still, Jungkook stay calm and just hold Taehyung in his arms gently.

"No, you're not" - Jungkook softly said as he smiles softly at the younger but Taehyung insisted as he shook his head, tears falling, he thinks that Jungkook is saying that to him because he was his bestfriend

"I-I am... I-I'm boring Gguk.." - Taehyung said between his hiccup as he shook his head making Jungkook heart ache as he gently cupped the both of Taehyung's cheeks to stop him from shaking his head

"No peach you're not, you're not boring. You're the most adorable, bubbly, shy and approachable person that I know. You're so kind, always smiling, letting the others to smiles, spreading happy vibes anywhere. You're not boring sunshine... you're not.." - Jungkook softly said, staring directly on Taehyung's teary eyes who just blink and sniff, staring at Jungkooks eyes too, trying to find if Jungkook is lying but his heart suddenly beats fast when he didn't saw atleast a glimpse of lie on Jungkooks eyes that makes him to pout and cry, quickly hugging his bestfriend tightly making Jungkook to just sigh, feeling tearing up because of his love but he can't cry, so he's just there, holding tightly and comforting once again the one and only love of his life, letting his love to cry once again with his safe embrace




"You're not boring, you're the sun of my life, the sun of your mom and your friends that always giving us a sunshine by your smiles... you're so precious peach.." - Jungkook whispers as he kiss Taehyung's side eyes making Taehyung to just hiccup, tears still falling of the emotions that he feel but one thing for sure he is...

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