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It's already evening and they're now sitting by circle in the sand and just talking about stuffs with a bonfire in the center. They were smiling, chuckling to each other, they were happy, well except to the boy who's happy but at the same time he's feeling weirdly again, he's kinda sad for reasons that he don't know or he know?

Taehyung then smiles and just listen to his hyungs who's sharing funny jokes making them to chuckles and Taehyung just giggles, he then took a glance at Jungkook far a bit and infront of him and he saw the elder was smiling and happy while saying something at Lisa that beside him. Taehyung can't help but to slowly look away from them and just stare at the bonfire with his so many thoughts.

Taehyung is kinda sad but it's his fault thou, he wants to sat beside his bestfriend and maybe cuddle with him but knowing that his date is here, of course he can't do that. He can't be a clingy baby to his bestfriend, Lisa is kind and he don't want Lisa to be mad or kinda jealous or irritated at him even though he feel that Lisa will really not coz she's really a kind person and understanding that he's a clingy person.

Taehyung then sigh, blinking at the bonfire with his heart suddenly felt heavy. He then suddenly heard a soft chuckles making him slightly smiles but his chest feeling weird again knowing who's the owner of that soft chuckles, of course he knows it's Jungkook. Taehyung is happy, he's happy because Jungkook really look happy and comfortable to his date and he wish that Lisa is really the one for him but at the same time, his heart suddenly felt heavy again while he's thinking that, making himself to slightly pout, feeling angry and confused at himself why he's having a weird feelings?

Jungkook on the other hand just smiles at Lisa's jokes as his eyes suddenly roam infront of him and he smiles softly as his heart skip a beat when he saw the ethereal boy who's cutely hugging himself as he's looking at the bonfire. Lisa then noticed Jungkook and she just chuckles, nudging Jungkook making Jungkook to look at her and Lisa motion his head to Taehyung as she nod at Jungkook and Jungkook understand it as he smiles and nod too.

"Hobi hyung" - Jungkook called while his eyes still on the younger, Hobi then look at Jungkook and smiles teasingly when he saw Jungkook called him but his eyes is on the person beside him

Jungkook then glance at Hobi as he slightly wiggle his brows making Hobi to just smiles, quickly understand what he's trying to say. He then stand up and Jungkook too to exchanged their seat.

"Hi" - Hobi said as he smiles at Lisa making Lisa to smiles too

"Hey" - Lisa said and they both wiggle their brows, happy that they help Jungkook to made an action to the younger

Taehyung on the other hand just blink on the bonfire, hugging himself because of the cold air, still lost in his thoughts not noticing there's someone sat beside him looking at him softly with a soft smiles plastered on his face.

The cold air then hit again on the boys making Taehyung to suddenly felt shivers but then after a seconds, he startled as he felt soft warm thing on his back making him quickly look to the side and sat properly and his heart skips a beat when he saw his bestfriend smiling at him while resting the soft material on his back and that's when Taehyung realize, it's a hoodie.

Taehyung then blink at Jungkook making Jungkook to chuckles a bit as he pulled out his hoodie on Taehyung's back and he rolled it on Taehyung's head to make him wear it making Taehyung just blink, feeling his cheeks heating up when he's now finally wearing Jungkook hoodie.

"You're cold" - Jungkook simply said when Taehyung look at him confused but with a red cheeks probably from the cold air making Taehyung on the other hand just smiles slowly and mouthed a thank you to Jungkook who just nod, before pulling Taehyung's head carefully to rest him in his shoulder making Taehyung just blink, smiling at his sweet bestfriend but then he blink again, suddenly felt confused why Jungkook suddenly beside him?

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