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Jungkook then sigh with a heavy breathe when he reached Taehyung's house, he's breathing heavily and sweating slightly even though it's cold because he run to come here. Jungkook then wipe his forehead with the sleeve of his black hoodie and he took the spare key of Taehyung's house in his pocket jeans and open the door.

Jungkook then slightly furrowed his brows as he breathe heavily when the silence of the house engulfed him. He then look at the kitchen to see if Taehyung's mom is there but he didn't see her so he thinks that she's still on her work. Jungkook then sigh and was about to take a quick step on the stairs to reached Taehyung's room but he suddenly stop when he suddenly heard a hiccup and sniff making Jungkooks heart to suddenly beats fast as it suddenly ache.

Jungkook then quickly walk back to the kitchen and he didn't see someone then suddenly he heard a hiccup again and he followed that sound and now he was on living room. Jungkook then look around, to the table but didn't see anything, he then walk more closer when he heard something shuffling and when he saw a brown clothe and a feet that fingers clenching, his heart beats fast as he quickly walk more closer and he suddenly felt a deep pang on his chest when he saw his love right here on living room, laying in the cold floor while hugging himself and with a tears in his beautiful eyes that makes his heart to felt heavy.

"Taehyung" - Jungkook mumbles as he breathe heavily and quickly rushed to scoop Taehyung in his arms making Taehyung to suddenly look at his side and he smiles when he saw his bestfriend looking at him with a deep furrowed brows making himself to quickly wrapped his arms on the elder's neck, sitting infront of Jungkook making Jungkook to just hold Taehyung by his waist tightly, hugging his love tightly and caressing Taehyung back soothingly, brows still furrowed as he felt confused and heart still aching and heavy as he see the younger like this

"W-What happen?" - Jungkook ask as he hold Taehyung tightly in his arms making Taehyung to just slightly pout, tears falling again as he buried his head in Jungkooks neck and just stay silent

Then after a few seconds, Jungkooks heart broke when he heard Taehyung suddenly sobs against his neck as Taehyung trembling in his arms making Jungkook to suddenly felt his tears brimming in the edge of his eyes, heart aching and feeling heavy seeing the younger like this, feeling the younger that hurt but he don't know what reason. So Jungkook just there, holding the trembling Taehyung in his strong arms, caressing his back soothingly, whispering sweet comforting words in his ears as he let the younger to let out the tears in his beautiful eyes.

After a good few minutes of Taehyung crying in Jungkook arms and Jungkook comforting and hugging his love tightly, Jungkook then think that this is the right time to ask Taehyung because Taehyung was now calm and stop crying. Jungkook then sigh sadly as he raised his right hand to cupped Taehyung's side neck or cheeks to look up at him making Taehyung to just hiccup, eyes fluttered shut and feeling tired because of crying but still, he look at Jungkook eyes tiredly making Jungkook to suddenly felt his heart broke at the sight and tears suddenly brimming in the edge of his eyes again and just want to cry too but he can't, he wants to stay strong for Taehyung. So he's just there, looking at Taehyung directly in his eyes with a soft slightly smiles with his heart aching at the sight, Taehyung's eyes slightly pink and slightly swollen with his red nose and soft pink cheeks and tired teary beautiful eyes, Taehyung look so beautiful but tired... and that's makes Jungkook's heart to ache more and suddenly felt angry who and what the reason why his love cried so much.

"What happen hmm?" - Jungkook ask softly as he caress Taehyung's cheeks who just blink at him and hiccup

Taehyung on the other hand suddenly felt guilty because of his sudden breakdown, he make Jungkook worried for him. Taehyung knows, just the look of Jungkook giving him right now by his soft teary worried eyes and holding him tightly, he knows and feel that the elder is so worried at him but he don't want to make Jungkook worried more, he don't want to be a burden because he's a grown up boy right now. So Taehyung just smiles as he sniff and shook his head to Jungkook making Jungkook to just slightly furrowed brows as his worried eyes still looking softly at him.

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