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Jungkook slowly opened his eyes from the brightness of the sunlight reaching his eyes that comes from the small window. The first one that Jungkook saw is the white silk curtain with the open window making Jungkook to smiles as he realized that time flew so fast... that today is the day.

Jungkook then turn his head and gaze to the other bed and his heart skip a beat when he saw the younger still sleeping peacefully, his body is turned to the side which is in front of him and Jungkook can't help but to just smiles, feeling thankful that he can see Taehyungs beautiful face with a pout form in his beautiful lips. Jungkook then blink, slowly sat up at his bed as his gaze still on the beautiful younger.

Jungkook then yawn, smiling before he stand up and went to Taehyung's bed, silently sat on his bed and just stare of the beauty of his bestfriend. Jungkook just smiling, feeling thankful that he's here, staring at the beautiful younger. The way the whole blanket was wrapped around the youngers body, his long eyelashes that peacefully resting at his upper cheeks, his perfect brows that slightly furrowed, his high nose with a cute mole, his soft bread cheeks that Jungkook just wanted to squish right now and his cute pouty lips that Jungkook adore so much. Taehyung is so beautiful, so perfect for Jungkook eyes.

Jungkook then sigh a bit, still smiling as he raised his hand carefully to reach Taehyung's cheeks as he gently caress it with so much gentleness. He then raised up his hand to slowly parted the messy long strands of hair from Taehyung's forehead and boi, Jungkook was felt so brave that he lean closer to the younger and let his lips to touch Taehyung's forehead, letting his lips to lingered at Taehyung's forehead. He wants to do it, he wants to do this sweet gesture forever to Taehyung.

Jungkook then pulled away with a smiles still plastered in his lips as he look at Taehyung face who still sleeping peacefully and calmly that makes Jungkook to just smiles, heart beating fast at the thought of-

I will finally confessed tonight... Jungkook said in his thoughts as he smiles softly at the sleepy younger with his heart beating fast.

I hope you will gets later what the meaning behind my song... Jungkook said in his thoughts as he chuckles so lowly but heart beating fast. Yes, Jungkook still felt uneasy because what if he sing his confession song but Taehyung didn't get it? Jungkook knows that Taehyung is not dumb but Taehyung is just so pure that he knows that Taehyung didn't walk up to conclusions easily. But still, Jungkook is hoping that Taehyung will understand it quickly and Jungkook will do, he will do anything later at night, he will sing his whole heart for Taehyung so that Taehyung will understand that it's him... that it's him behind the song...

Jungkook smiles as he just blink, heart beating fast and still staring softly at the younger. Don't want to wake up the sleeping beauty because the younger still sleeping peacefully.

"And I hope....."




"You still can give that to the person you love, who knows maybe soon that person will love you back.."

Jungkook then smiles, looking down when he suddenly remembered what the Granny said to him. Yes he was hoping, he was silently hoping that someday it will happens.. but now he's sure.... that it won't happen... and that's makes his heart to ache suddenly. His mind then realized that he wants to confess... he wants to confess not because he wants love from Taehyung, no. He wants to confess because he wants to let it out his feelings, atleast once in his life he had a courage to tell him.. to tell him how much he love him.

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