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It's already end of their class season and it's already their class vacation. Students should be happy at this times but there's someone who didn't look happy at all. Jungkook sigh for the hundred times, this pass few months he felt so sad, stress, so broke and felt dead inside but still he's pretending that everything about his feelings is okay where in reality he wants to cry, he's so sad, so fucking sad knowing that he don't get a chance anymore. He don't get a chance to win his heart anymore because he's late. He's already late, it's too late.

Jeongguk then slightly pout and blink few times, he's slightly drunk and slightly felt dizzy. He then open the door, slightly feeling dizzy and he was about to turned his heels to walk upstairs but he suddenly stop when someone backhug him making him quickly look behind and he smiles when he saw the ethereal younger, smiling at him but after a seconds the younger furrowed his brows as he slightly pout and pulled away from Jungkook making Jungkook to slightly bit his lips knowing what will happen next.

"You went to bar again?" - Taehyung ask slightly pouting and furrowing his brows, crossing his arms infront of the elder making Jungkook to just smiles a bit, rubbing his nape and slowly nod and they suddenly heard a chuckles from kitchen knowing that it's from Jungkooks mom

"Aish Ggukie! I told you don't want to go to bar right?" - Taehyung huff and glared at Jungkook making Jungkook to just chuckles pulling the younger in his chest by his arms before he says-

"I know.. I know and i'm sorry hmm? I only drink two bottle with Yoongi thou and it will never happen again, sorry" - Jungkook said caressing Taehyung's hair making Taehyung to just pout and eventually smiles and hug back Jungkook making Jungkook to just smiles, knowing that the younger already forgive him because he's an angel

"I will kick your ass if you do it again" - Taehyung said and slightly pout and smiles making Jungkook to just chuckles humming and nod, still caressing Taehyung's hair

Taehyung and Jungkook are best friends since diapers because of their mom is also bestfriends too that's why they're so very close to each other and yes, Taehyung don't want Jeongguk to go to bar, he don't like it when his best friend always go to bar to just drink an alcohol. He don't like it because what if Jungkook have a fight on the bar because he's drunk, and he don't like the smells of bar and Jungkook know it too. He knows that the younger hates bar, he knows a lot about Taehyung hates about what he's doing, but still he'll follow his precious boy. He don't want Taehyung to hate him that's why everytime he do something that Taehyung don't like, he'll apologize quickly.

"Hey honey? Are you going to eat? Taehyung already eat, he's here for hours waiting for you, lucky you I save your ass by sharing stories and stuffs to him" - Jungkooks mom suddenly appears and said to them and chuckles making Jungkook to just chuckles, pulling away from Taehyung who just giggles and went beside Jungkooks mom

"Come Ggukie! Let's eat! I'll eat again!" - Taehyung said smiling cutely at Jeongguk making Jeongguks heart beats fast as it melt to the person he loves

Yes, he loves Taehyung more than bestfriend. He don't know when it starts, but he knows that he has feelings for him since they were kids, called it crush that starts to grow and grow until you called it love. But sadly, he can't have Taehyung anymore... because 2 months ago, Taehyung started to fall inlove to someone else, he already found someone. Taehyung already has a boyfriend and that's makes Jeongguk's heart started to ache.

"Yeah, I'll just go shower for a minutes and I'll back here quickly" - Jungkook said smiling making Taehyung to just nod, still smiling cutely

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