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Friday has come and as always Jungkook is boring, he wants to hangout with his friends but he's lazy, he wants to drink on the bar but he's lazy too. The only one thing he's sure is he wants to see again his bestfriend, he wants to hold him in his arms, wants to smell his sweet scent. He wants to go to their house but he can't too, he wants to call him but he can't too again because he knows that Taehyung is with his boyfriend right now, he knows coz Taehyung tell him.

And Jungkook can't help but to felt his heart aching because of thinking and thinking the boy he love. The thought of Bogum holding Taehyung tightly, kissing him or his forehead and saying the eight letters to him makes his heart felt a million stab. His heart is aching but he felt himself slowly smiling at the thought of Taehyung smiling, happy and contented in his boyfriend arms. His heart is in pain but he's smiling. Just the thought of Taehyung happy, he's happy too. Just for him.

Jungkook sigh and pause the game for a seconds before he look down and felt his heart still aching. He then closed his eyes and inhale deeply before looking up and continue to play the game. But then, his eyes suddenly roam on the wall of his room and he smiles when he saw his guitar. He then licked his lips and stop the game and stand up, walking closer to the guitar and he took it and went back to his bed.

Jungkook then smiles when he started to brush his fingers to the strings of guitar. He really missed to play guitar, he then chuckles a bit as he started to play guitar without any song, just him letting his fingers to make a tone. Jungkook then smiles brightly when the thought of Taehyung's smiles suddenly flashes again on his mind, he then nod to himself knowing now what he should do.

He put down his guitar on the bed and he took a paper and a pen on his desk before sitting back to his bed and he smiles as he started to write something while thinking his love.

He's writing a song.... for him.

After a good minutes, Jungkook then slightly pout as he's looking at what he write, he write a song for him but still didn't complete coz Jungkook don't know what he should write next.

"It's still not complete, aish" - Jungkook said as he slightly pout but then after a seconds he slowly smiles thinking he's still have more time so he knows he'll finish this song at the right time

Jungkook then put the paper with his own lyrics in the drawer on the nightstand just incase he forgot. He then took again his guitar and started to make a tone for his own composed song. He was about to started to sing but the door suddenly open making him look up and his heart beats fast when his eyes met the boy he love so much.

"Ggukie!!" - Taehyung called as he smiles brightly before he quickly walked and engulfed his bestfriend to a tightly hug making the both of them to land on the bed making Jungkook to chuckles as he hold the younger boy on top of him

"Missed you bunbun!" - Taehyung said as he got up from Jungkook and sit beside him making Jungkook to smiles, heart feeling warm at the nickname

"But we see each other two days ago" - Jungkook chuckles as he tease the younger but deep inside he wants to tell him how much he miss him too

Taehyung on the other hand slightly pout, expecting that his bestfriend will tell him he miss him too but he shrugged it and just rest his head on Jungkooks shoulder before eventually smiles as he saw Jungkooks guitar on the side making him pulled away from Jungkook and smiles widely at him making Jungkook to just smiles, raising his brows at the younger.

"You're playing guitar?" - Taehyung ask, smiling brightly making Jungkook to just chuckles playfully rolling his eyes

"Well yeah kinda but you disturb me" - Jungkook teased making the younger to pout and just rolled his eyes too

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