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Two days has passed and still there's so many thoughts running on Jungkooks mind. Jungkook then sigh as he rest back his back on the sofa and just cross his arms, blinking at the shelves while missing his bestfriend, still thinking what happened to Taehyung two days ago.

Taehyung on the other hand just like what he said and wants, he just rest. He just on his bed, sleeping, watching movies alone or with his mom, he still didn't went out after what happened to him two days ago. Even though he wants to see his bestfriend because he misses him and also Jungkooks mom too, but still he's lazy and just want to rest his heart and mind so he just there in his room for two days, sometimes just texting his bestfriend how he's doing.

Taehyung admitted to himself that being isolated in his room for days help himself to relax his mind even though he knows that his heart and mind still thinking and remembering the words that his boyfriend said to him. Speaking of his boyfriend, Taehyung is missing him, he really is. He missed his boyfriend and ready to forgive him if Bogum will talk to him but the problem is.... Bogum didn't try.

In the past two days, Bogum didn't reached out to Taehyung as always because he wants to calm himself and think carefully what he's next plan and all in all he don't give a fuck at Taehyungs feelings and Taehyung didn't know that.

Taehyung sigh as he munch the popcorn and just pout, looking away from the movie that playing on his TV as he look down at his phone from time to time, obviously waiting for his boyfriend to text him, even though he knows and feel that Bogum won't.. that Bogum will text him maybe after a week and that makes him sigh sadly as he blink, slightly pouting. But then after a minute, he suddenly sat up straight as his eyes lit up when he suddenly remembered what his bestfriend said to him that they will go to beach again and that's make him smiles slowly as he thinks he's ready to go out again because he feel that he's okay now, he thinks that two days has enough for his heart and mind to rest.

Taehyung then smiles as he quickly took his phone and quickly dial his bestfriend phone number excitedly as he didn't realized that he's now smiling brightly.

Jungkook on the other hand was about to stand up to went out, don't know where coz he just wants to freshen his mind but he stop when he heard his phone ring making him took his phone in his jeans pocket and he smiles when he saw the name of the caller, his love.

Jungkook then sit back to the sofa as he slide the screen to answer the call with a smiles in his face.

"Hey peach, miss you"

Taehyung then blushes as he smiles when he heard the first sentences that Jungkook let out to him to call, looking down at his lap as he bit his lips slightly.

"Miss you too Ggu!"

Jungkook on the other hand chuckles as he look down at the floor, biting his lips as he can't help but to smiles, hearing the same thing from the younger. Taehyung then blink, realizing why he called, so he look up and blink, still smiling as he continue to speak.

"You told me that we're going to beach again right?"

Jungkook then look up, still smiling as he nod even though the younger didn't see him nodding, he don't know but after hearing Taehyung ask that with a obvious smiley tone makes his heart to suddenly beats fast in excitement, thinking that the younger wants to get out to his room now.

"Yeah yeah, of course. Wanna go right now?"

Taehyung then smiles, chuckling a bit when he heard what Jungkook said, it's looks like he's excited too that saying like right now? Taehyung then bite his lips, blinking at the movie as he says-

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