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4 years later...

"Baby I'm ho-

Jungkook suddenly stop shouting as he saw his Taehyung, already asleep in their sofa making him slowly smiles as he staring far from the boy that he love so much, making his feeling tired and exhausted from work suddenly fade just by seeing the boy he love and adore so much.

3 years has passed... 3 years has passed and Jungkook and Taehyung still beautifully felt the same... they always felt their heart that beats fast for each other.. they always felt the same like before, there's nothing change. Everyday, everynight and every seconds that Jungkook is with Taehyung, he still felt the same. His love for Taehyung is always there, that always grow and grow everyday and Jungkook love it. He love that feeling, he love that his love for Taehyung is strong and stronger and he knew and felt that the younger felt the same way too. Their love is strong like them.

Jungkook was now working from the company that he built by his own after their graduated, while Taehyung is working as a fashion designer because he love art. They already have their own beautiful house which is they both buy by their own money 3 years ago. They're already living in one roof that makes themselves to felt happy and contented.

Jungkook smiles softly as he loosen his tie and open the two buttons of his white polo shirt as he silently walked to his lover on the sofa. Jungkook then throw his coat on the other side of sofa as he smiles, silently sitting beside Taehyung, eyes still on his love with his heart still beating fast. Jungkook then smiles, raising his right hand to caress Taehyung's cheeks making Taehyung to slightly furrowed his brows as he rub his arms by his brown sleeve hoodie paw making Jungkook to just smiles so softly finding his lover so adorable in his eyes and heart.

"Baby wake up.." - Jungkook softly said as he caress Taehyung's chubby cheeks making Taehyung to just hummed but didn't wake up making Jungkook to just smiles, resting his hand on Taehyung's back, caging his love with his strong arms and can't help but to just felt so inlove to his boy and ready to love him forever and ever.

"Baby, Ggukie's here.." - Jungkook softly said as he smiles, caressing Taehyung's back softly making Taehyung to just slightly furrowed his brows as he suddenly heard the familiar beautiful voice that he love so much making him to slowly and slightly open his eyes and his heart skip a beat as he smiles when he saw his Ggukie's closer to him who's smiling softly at him too

"Ggukie.." - Taehyung mumble almost whisper with a smiles making Jungkook to just smiles and he was about to open his mouth but he stop when Taehyung closed his eyes again, feeling sleepy as he lift himself up and wrapped his slender arms around Jungkooks neck, slightly crawling on Jungkooks lap and hide his face on Jungkooks neck before he goes to his dreamland again making Jungkook to just blink few times and after a seconds he smiles widely, wrapping his strong arms to the younger waist as he brought so closer his love to him until Taehyung was now fully sitting on his lap, head on his neck and arms loosely around his neck

Jungkook just smiles, resting his back to the sofa, leaning down to Taehyung's lips to give him a kiss, up to his forehead and finally his crown head before muttering-

"I love you.." - Jungkook softly whispers as he smiles, closing his eyes ready to sleep with his heart and mind felt home, his home


Taehyung slowly and slightly open his eyes as he yawn and was about to stretch his arms but he stop when he felt arms around him making him to slightly furrowed his brows as he blink adjusting his eyes and he was met with chest and white polo with 2 buttons open and he slowly smiles knowing who's the owner of the arms around him making him look up and his heart beats fast as always when he saw his love sleeping with his mouth slightly open making Taehyung to let out a soft low giggles finding his lover adorable in his eyes.

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