~Chapter 23~

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Lucien's POV

"Hello there,Rose,"I said in a sickly sweet voice.I pulled the bag off of her head and she glared at me.I ripped the ducktape off her lips and threw it on the floor.

"Little Rose.You are going to help me find my woman.I know the Russians took her and I know you know where many of their hideouts are,"I told her.

"What makes you think I'll do that?"she cackled and I clenched my teeth.

"Well first off,if you don't,you're going to die.Not by a bullet through the skull but being decapitated while you're still alive.So it's best if you just tell me,"I said truthfully.Now I could see fear in her eyes.

"Lucien please don't do this.My mother needs me,she's all alone,"she sobbed and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you didn't think about that when you decided to betray me,did you?"I asked sarcastically.

"Please Lucien,"she begged and I tsked.

"Tell me their hideouts Sarah,"I threatened.

"My name's Rose!"she stressed out between sobs and I shrugged.

"Well that won't matter when you're fucking dead!"I bellowed and pulled out my knife.

"Okay,okay!There is one in southern Mexico where they take the prostitutes and slaves.Three in Russia.One near the border hidden in the trees,the other a factory named 'Russia Corporations'.The last one is near a mountain,I don't know exactly where but it's beaten up.Then I know there's one in London and Sweden.He didn't tell me where so I don't know,"she said and I looked over to Ace and he nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Good.So,why did you team up with Vince?"I asked as I played with the knife in between my fingers.

"We were in a club and he seduced me,obviously I fell for it.I got pregnant with his baby and when I told him he killed it.He swore me into Omĕrta and sent me to work with you.Ameliana isn't my mother.She is working for you because she is being threatened by him.He has her three year old in his grasp and will kill him when she doesn't give him updates of you,"she sobbed and my head snapped to Ace.His eyes were wide and mouth agape.

"This motherfucker has it all planned out,"I said and threw the knife across the room.I looked at Ace and wordlessly instructed him to take her back to the warehouse.

He entered only a few minutes later and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I sent Greg to drop her off.I need to talk to you about something,"he answered my unasked question and I nodded.

He took a seat opposite of me and took a deep breath.

"Well you know how you gave me orders to follow Scarlett's friend?"he asked and I nodded.After Scartlett called me I asked Ace to dig deeper into that Jasmine chick?What was her name again?

"Well I managed to put a tracker on her when I went to the club I followed her to.I saw on the tracker that she went to various places such as London and Russia.Which are also places Rose mentioned to us now,"he said and I caught on quickly.

"So those to countries are our main focus for now?"I asked and he nodded.He opened his laptop and showed me recaps of Jamie's whereabouts.The red dot indicated where she was and I grinned and slapped his back.

"Fuck,I'm glad you're my right hand,"I said and he nodded and smiled smugly.

"Oh I'm flattered Lucien.Never in my entire life would I have imagined those magical words escape your mouth in the most erotic way possible,"he gushed and I rolled my eyes and slapped him on the back of his head.

"We can travel to London first because it's the nearest to us and if we find her we can wipe him out,"I said, getting serious.He nodded and went back to work.

I went to my room and made phone calls.The Russian Mafia is no childsplay and are loaded with weapons and ammunition.That's why I'm calling my men to come to New York as soon as possible.Not all of them are going to come,obviously because my businesses should be looked after.

"Mr.De Luca.How may I help you?"The thick hispenic accent said through the speaker.

"Pablo.Seems like you're able to return the favours you owe me pal,"I said and heard him laugh.

"Who is it this time?"he asked and the answer rolled off my tounge in disgust.

"The Russians,"

The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now