~Chapter 13~

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Lucien's POV

I sit in the ambulance as we drive to the hospital.Scarlett is passed out from the sedatives they gave her to slow the pain.They had yet to diagnose her but they were discussing possibilities of what it might be.Allergic reaction or food poisoning.Sweat dripped off of her forehead as her body laid still.

I could feel rage boiling up inside me at the thought of someone poisoning her.The ambulance pulled into the hospital and I jumped out with the rest of the perimedics.They rolled her into the emergency entrance and a nurse approached me.

"Sir you cannot enter.What is your relation to the patient?"she stood with a binder in her hand and gestured towards the front desks.

I thought about our relationship before answering.

"Spouse."I said after a while.They probably wouldn't let me see her if I hadn't said I was related to Scarlett.She nodded and handed me a form to fill in.

I started filling it in and handed it to her with the money for the bill.I paced up and down the hallway and took a seat,my leg bouncing anxiously.I pull out my phone and dial Ace's number.

"Boss?"he answers on the first ring and I sigh in relief.

"Ace,I need you to gather the kitchen staff that was in charge of today's meal and take them to the warehouse down town,"I said and silence followed on the other end of the line.

"...Why?"I clench my fist in frustration and run a hand through my hair.

"Do not question me.I'll fill you in later."I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket.

A few hours had passed by with me sitting on the chair that felt like it was made out of human bones and pacing the hallways.

Finally,the emergency doors swung open and a male doctor with a nurse tailing him emerged.I stood up and the doctor lowered his face mask.

"Relative of patient 3269,Scarlett Hayes?"I nodded and he took a clipboard from the nurse.

"Looks like Ms.Hayes has severe food poisoning.We have yet to find out what kind of poison was used but by the damage done to her stomach we would assume it was rat poison or in the worst case scenario...prolonium."He said and all I could see was red.To think that something like this could happen under my nose.

"Christ.Is she okay?How is she doing?"I stressed out and the doctor glanced at the nurse.

"The patient is stable but still unconscious from the sedatives.However,as I've mentioned before,there was severe damage to the stomache lining,"he said and I groaned.Thinking about how much pain she endured made me want to beat myself up.

"The operation is done?"he nodded and I sighed.

"You may enter but please do not touch anything or do anything to disturb her.Even if she's unconscious."I walked straight towards the double doors and pushed them open.The doors swung closed behind me.

I turned around and saw her on the hospital bed in the middle of the room.She was hooked onto an IV and an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose.

She was pale,too pale compared to her usual complexion.I walked towards her,heart sinking as I saw her condition.I sunk into the chair beside the bed and just watched her.Guilt,anger and worry flooding over me.

I wanted to make her mine but before anything even happened between us something this tragic happens to her and right under my nose at that.

Snapping me out of my thoughts,I felt my phone vibrate.I dug it out of my pocket and saw it was Ace calling me.About time.


"Boss I got the staff at the warehouse but you didn't give me instructions on how to take them so I tied them up."he said and I tensed up.

"Send Giovanni over here and tell Garrett he has to come pick me up as soon as possible."I hung up and pocketed my phone.Now,to find out who the rat is.

It was only a matter of time before Giovanni arrived at the hospital.

"Take good care of her.I'll be back soon."I said and took one last,lingering glance at her and walked out of the door.I took the elevator down to the parking lot and spotted Garrett immediately.He opened the door for me and I climbed in.

"I hope the lady makes a speedy recovery,boss."Garret said as we pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.Garret sped down the highway and took lefts and rights,all these paths familiar to me.

We entered the warehouse in no time and I didn't hesitate to jump out.My fists clenched at my sides and I strided down the hall.I bought this warehouse as soon as my father handed over the business to me.There has been more blood shed here than I can count.

I saw Ace standing next to the torture table with someone strapped onto it.I rolled up my sleeves and picked up my pace,rage taking control.Ace turned around and smiled at me.He had blood splattered all over his face.It would be quite a horrific sight for someone normal to see.

He stepped away from the table and gestured towards the person on it as if he was presenting something.My eyes moved to the woman on the table.Her eyes filled with terror met my own and she began crying.

"You do know that is not going to help you at all in this situation,right Rose?"I said to her in disgust.

"You're sure it's her?"I turned to Ace and asked.He nodded and I chuckled.

"Leave us."I looked at Kade and he nodded towards Ace.They both left together,closing the door behind them.

"Lucien you have to believe me-"Rose screamed and I rolled my eyes.I saw a bucket of ice water in the corner of the room and walked to it.I picked it up and dragged a chair infront of the table.I sat down and placed the bucket on the floor.

"Shut up.The only time you speak is when you answer my questions."I looked at her and tears poured down her face.

"Who sent you?"I asked and she flinched.

"I-I don't know what you mean.I was just jealous about your new s-slut,"she said while looking around rapidly.

"Is that so?"I quirked an eyebrow and took the bucket of water and threw it at her.She gasped and started wailing.I stood up and walked to the cupboard filled with tools.I took out the electric tazer and walked to the table.

"What's your lucky number?"

"T-Three?"I nodded and charged it to three vaults.

"Okay.I am going to ask you one more time.Who sent you?"I asked and she started wailing again.

"I was not sent by any-"I cut her off by pressing the tazer to her wet thigh and she jerked rapidly.Her screams fell over my ears and I pulled the tazer back.

"Every time you lie or want to spout nonsense I'll charge it up by three volts.So I suggest you choose your next words wisely."I said and she nodded.

"I-It was Vince Valkov.He threatened to kill me if I didn't do it."I already suspected that it was Valkov.

"You have more to tell me."I said once I saw a glint in her eyes.

"N-No that's really everything."she stuttered and I charged the tazer up another three volts.I pressed it to her arm and she screamed while jerking up and down.

"S-stop!I-I'll tell you!"I stopped and she tried to catch her breath.

"There's another rat in your estate and she's more of a threat than I am."she gritted out.

"Oh do tell."I said bored and leaned against the table.


The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now