~Epilogue Part 1~

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Scarlett's POV

One week later

"Miss Hayes,due to the injuries you sustained you were supposed to lose the child-I assume that you are aware that you are pregnant-but by some miracle the baby survived.I have to warn you that this will make your pregnancy difficult for both you and the child.There is a high risk of you losing the child during the pregnancy we will do the best we can to ensure that you and the baby are in a healthy condition.If you experience pain in your stomach that does not seem regular or normal during a pregnancy I advise you to report to a hospital immediately,"the doctor informed me and I broke down.I had my child but the love of my life was buried somewhere in ashes.

Then and there I swore to myself to keep this child safe the best I could.I would protect him or her with my life.And that was no promise it was a statement.

"Congratulations Ms.Hayes.You are three months along,"


Six months later

"I need nurses in room 23 stat!"I heard the doctor above me yell as I was being wheeled in with a wheeled bed.I clutched my stomach as the first contraction hit and screamed out load,probably causing a permanent hearing problem for everyone in a hundred foot radius from here.

The doors to a room were pushed open which I assumed was room 23.Nurses rushed in and hooked me to an IV.

"We're going to have to perform C-section.Now!"

"No,"I choked out.

"What do you mean mis-"

"I am going to push this baby out of my vagina.I have already lost alot of blood so how do you expect to perform a C-section on me,"I gripped the doctors collar and he nodded vividly.

"Get ready for her to dilate eleven centimetres.By now she probably already has dilated five,"the doctor yelled out.I laid on the bed gasping and grunting.The baby was going to be born pre-mature but my water broke before I could even blink.I haven't even prepared for this and had the call a medical team.


"Ahhh!Fuck,get this baby out of me!"the nurse wiped sweat off of my forehead as I pushed for a third time.

"I'm beginning to see a head!Push Scarlett,push!"the doctor encouraged as I cried out.I let out a scream and pushed with all my might.

Angelic cries fell upon my ears and I perked up,blinking away the tears.

"Congratulations Ms.Hayes.It's a boy,"they quickly wrapped him up in a blanket and they handed him to me.They wiped the blood off of him and a pair of green eyes stared into mine.Green eyes similar to his father's.

"Luciano,"I whispered his name and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you.Now go,"

One year later

"Luciano how many times do I need to tell you to stop running off?"I scolded and he just smiled at me and my heart melted.He was looking more like his father as the days passed.A sharp pain came to my chest as I thought exactly about him.

"Mammamama,"he gurgled and I laughed and picked him up.Ever since he has learned to walk he has been running off to God knows where.

"Come on baby it's getting cold,"I said as the Chicago Winter crisp wind passed us.

I hoisted Luciano further up my hip and walked down the street with him.

I rounded the corner and knocked into someone.I was about to lose my balance but arms caught me.My hair shielded my face and I was about to apologize when Luciano did the thing I had least expected.

"Dada?"my eyes snapped up to the person and connected with sunglasses.My shoulders slumped in defeat as I was given false hope.

"I'm so sorry.Luciano why would you say that?"I groaned and he seemed to look at the stranger.He then stretched out his arms and I took a step back.

"Again I'm-"I started to apologize but was cut off.

"Princess?"I heard his voice.The voice that used to soothe me so much but brought me so much pain.The voice I had craved to hear for so long.The voice that would cause me to cry myself to sleep for the past year.I had never forgotten him and could never.

"What?"my eyes snapped up and he pulled his glasses down.Surely,a pair of forest greens met my own and I stilled.This had to be some sick joke.I saw how the factory burst into flames.And he was in it.There was no way he was standing infront of me looking like he had endured nothing.

"L-Lucien?"I croaked and flung myself into his arms.

"Princess..."his voice cracked and I let out a sob.

"I see you have moved on.Congratulations..."he said and looked at Luciano.

"L-Lucien,I was pregnant with your child before you supposedly died.This is Luciano,your son,"I was bawling my eyes out now.I didn't know what was happening but the Lord listened to my pleas.

"I-"his voice cracked again and I could see tears brimming his eyes.

"I love you so much,"I sobbed as he embraced us in a hug.And just like that my heart was whole again.I could feel again.

"I love you,"

"How are you not dead?"I looked at him in disbelief and he shrugged.

"Guess my love for you kept me going,"

The End

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