~Chapter 46~

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Scarlett's POV

Dread filled me as the silhouette stepped into the light.Somehow I knew Delores and umm...Kane?-would be the least of my problems when I was first captured.Somewhere and somehow in my twisted and corrupted mind I knew what fate had in stored for me.Still,I couldn't help the gasp escape my lips and steady myself as I fell to my knees.

"Come on Kyle.Let's leave the father and daughter to reunite,"I heard Delores maniacal cackle as they strided and-well Kyle limped-out of the door.I subconsciously tighten my arms over my stomach as I stare at the only man who was able to give me noght terrors.The man that instilled a permanent fear deep inside me.

Thomas Jefferson,my father.

He closed the door and walked towards me.He shoved me inyo a chair that stood in the corner of the room and tied me up with the ropes I was previously in.

"Munchkins..."he breathes in my ear and I grit my teeth as a shiver rakes down my spine.The name I despised more than anything.The name he would call me right before he started with a bedtime story for me when I was little...and the name the man said which he sold me to.I was only twelve.Of course,I had no intention of telling Lucien-that fucking bastard-that.

The man that stood infront of me caused us so much pain,so much suffering.

"What's the matter?Not glad to see me?"he smiled and grabbed my chin when I refused to look at him and forced it up so I could meet his gaze.

I ignore him while my mind screams for me to do something.Now,I know I'm not going to make it out of here.No way.

"Answer me!"he screams in my face and spit flies all over my face.Ew.

Once again,I choose to say nothing and hunch a bit down to something to protect my baby.Tears gather in my eyes as I think of how they are going to kill it.

"You're the same little brat that went to tattle on mommy when Ben touched you aren't you?You were always a little slut.Should have been killed when I had the chance!But now,we can take our sweet time.And while we're at it,you can tell me where's that whore that you call a mother,"he smiles and my eyes snap up and fill with anger and hatred.

"You don't feel an ounce of regret or pity do you?You are a rachid excuse of a man and deserve to fucking die!You bastard!May you die an excru-"I'm cut off by his fist connecting with my jaw.I hear a crack and pain erupts where he hit me.

"Shut up!I did not raise you to talk back!"I look at him in disbelief and look over his scrawny body.He's got scaratch marks along with needle scars by his veins.Most definitely from drugs.I can't decipher the things he is spewing and where they are coming from.Time in jail might have given him a traumatic experience which caused him a mental illness.Suites the bastard well.

"All I wanted was a normal and healthy family.But no, you and your mother couldn't give me that atleast!But now munchkins,you are going to make up for lost times,"before I know it,he pulls out a dagger and plunges it into my shoulder blade before digging it in more and twisting it around.I let out a blood curling scream and the chair shakes on it's legs as I fuss.

"What do you say?Will you be an obedient girl to listen and cooperate?"I sob and he drags the dagger down which is still in my flesh.

"Stop!Stop!"I sob and see my blood gushing out and into his face.He pulls it out and stabs it into my thigh.I see black dots start to fill my vision and see Satan come back.

"Nighty,night,"he says and slams something into the side of my head.


"Wake up munchkin!"I hear an enthusiastic voice exclaim.My eyes flutter open only to see I am a good few feet from the floor in only my underwear.

A/N-Trigger warning (TW)

"My,my munchkins.You have grown up so much.Maybe we will be able to play a few games,"I look into his sadistic eyes and I shudder.He steps forward licks his lips before trailing his hand up my exposed skin.

"No,no!"I thrash in the chains and feel him grip my skin.

"Don't be selfish,munckins.Daddy hasn't gotten fun time in that horrid place,so this is the least you can do,right?"I feel his hand slide further up and I try and back away.

"Are you listening to yourself?What are you doing?!You're fucking crazy!"I scream out and he punches me in my stomach.I lose my breath and feel immense pain.This isn't good.This is not good.I feel something wet trail down my leg and look down.There,red liquid,running down my legs.

This is it.I probably lost it.At the thought I sob and thrash.Something inside me snaps and I scream out,I scream bloody murder and strain against the chains.Like a demon in  hell's flames.

"Little munchkin got her period?"he cackles and my furious eyes meet his.

"You killed your grandchild!My child is gone!Because of you!"I scream in between sobs as the pain increases.

Suddenly,the building shakes and gun fire sounds.I see a lot of people enter and exit and run around.I lift my head and hear some screams.Then again,I feel the building shake but this time with a deafening sound.Explosion.

"Don't go anywhere!"Thomas shouts at me.

Yes,because I was going to slide out of these chains and fly away to Ireland.Not the sarcasm.

I look down again at my stomach and look up to the ceiling.

"Everything is in Your hands,"

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