~Chapter 3~

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Scarlett's POV

What the hell?If that wasn't creepy,I don't know what is.God these guys really don't know how to take a hint.His gaze made me want to collapse and crawl out of here but I couldn't deny that he was quite handsome.I felt guilty and even though I didn't do anything wrong I still felt as if I deceived Hunter somehow.This is why I don't like going out.

It makes me so furious that Jada makes me do things that I'm not comfortable with just because she finds it entertaining.

I pull my phone out of my clutch and see that it's already past midnight.Wow,time really flew by.I look around from where I'm still seated at the bar.Jada is nowhere in sight.I sigh as I walk to the dance floor and look around a bit.I can see a little over some people's heads due to the heels I'm wearing.I step out from being smothered by sweaty bodies to an open area and take out my phone again.


-hey where are you?Should I leave?

After waiting for any sign of a reply I sigh and wander around.I grumble under my breath when my phone finally vibrates,indicating a message.


-I'm going with the cute bartender.You can go on ahead.Love ya.

I shake my head with a scoff.It's not like I wanted to be here in the first place.I swear to God I will put laxatives in her food next time we have lunch together.


-okay then...

I shove the phone into my clutch and as I mutter angrily to myself I feel a presence behind me.I turn around swiftly and take a few steps back.A highly intoxicated guy was standing a little too close for my liking.I try to walked away but he grabs my wrist and stumbles towards me.

"Where are you going?We can have some fun while we're both here,"he slurred and I sighed as I cursed Jada silently.God,I didn't want to deal with this.There is no point in trying to ration with a drunk person.Just fool him and get away.

"Uh...can you go get us drinks?I'll wait for you here.We can go dancing,"I said in hopes of him getting the fuck off me.

"You better stay here,"he says and leans in to peck my cheek but I step aside and pat his back.When he turns in the direction of the bar I sprint out of there.My clutch is pressed tightly to my waist as I make my way to the exit.

"Miss,I was given strict orders to escort you to your vehicle,"I almost jump out of my skin as a security guard emerge from the club with shades on and a black suit.How Hollywood of him.

"No thank you.I'm in a hurry so that is not necessary,"I said and backed up a bit.

"Mr.De Luca ordered me to escort you to your car so I can ensure your safety,"he said and I quirked my eyebrow.The fuck?

"Who's that?"I asked as I wracked my brain for any memory of such person.

"The boss,"he said and I scowled at him.

"Thanks,that explains a lot,"I retorted sarcastically and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Let me escort you to your car miss,"oh for fucks sake.Doesn't this guy give up?

"Fine.Jesus,"I walked to my car and as we approached it I turned to the guy.

"Hey,can I ask you something?"he stopped and nodded.

"Yeah okay.So how fast are you?"he took off his shades and put them in his pocket.I couldn't trust this guy and what I was about to do was actually pretty stupid but we were close to my car.

"I don't see why that is imp-"I swung my leg back and kicked him as hard as I could in his genitals.He screamed and crouched to the ground.I didn't think twice before I sprinted off in these ridiculously tall heels.I unlocked the car as quick as I could and climbed in,locking it again.

I looked down at my foot and screamed out in pain.

"Motherfucker!What the fuck is that guy's balls made of?!"I grabbed my throbbing foot as I continued to curse.I took the heels off and started the car.As I reversed out I saw steel balls was still groaning on the ground.

"Jada, I'm definitely giving you laxatives in you bitch!"I turned on the GPS and zoomed down the road to my house.After a few minutes I arrived home and parked inside the garage.

I opened the front door and threw Jada's shoes on the mat.Hopefully Pluto would find them and chew on them.

Pluto was laying on his rug and lifted his head up when he heard be approaching.I put on the light and patted him on the head.

"Sorry I'm home late baby,"he barked in response and I walked to towards my room.I was itching to get out of this dress and sleep in my soft bed.I stripped from the dress and threw it in the laundry.I was going to wash it tomorrow and return it to Jada.

I removed the makeup from my face and tied my hair into a bun.I put on a loose shirt and shorts with fluffy socks.I crawled into my bed and threw the blanket over myself.

"To hell with everyone,"I said exhausted and closed my eye.

The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now