~Chapter 43~

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Scarlett's POV

"No,not now,"I whimpered as I looked into the rearview miror to see the SUV following us for the past ten minutes.I pushed hard on the gas and sped off.

"Mom,climb in the back seat and lay on the floor and take a blanket and cover yourslef with it.Pluto too,"I demanded and looked at her out of my peripheral vision.

"Sweetheart you're scaring me,"my mom whimpered and I clenched my fists around the steering wheel.

"I'm involved in some terrifying shit so just do as I say,please mom,"I said and took a sharp left.The  SUV was gaining on us and I looked at my mom and nodded to the backseat.

"But ho-"she began but I slammed my fist onto the steering wheel.

"Get in the fucking backseat,mom!"I yelled and sped off straight down the highway.We were twenty minutes away from the airport,but at this rate with these people,which I knew weren't Lucien or his men,following us I wasn't sure if we would make it.I saw my mom crawling into the backseat and onto the floor with Pluto and covering their bodies with the black blanket.

"I'm so sorry,mama.If something happens,don't come look for me,don't scream,don't make a single noise.Get out of here as soon as I'm out of sight,"I sobbed out and as I finished the sentence,the car was knocked to the side and I tried to regain the balance.Another car came and bumped me from the left side trapping me between both vehicles.

"You do NOT come after me mother!Promise me this!"I screamed and heard her sobbing from the back.

"Promise me!"I shouted again and this time heard sniffling.

"I promise..."I heard her say in a defeated tone.

"I love you,"I whispered and the car was knocked onto it's roof and skidded across the road.

I felt glass pierce my skin and let out an ear piercing scream.I felt blood trail down my foregead and closed my eyes.Succumbing to the darkness which engulfs me.


I am awaken by the intense throbbing in my head.I groan and am not surprised when I feel restraints against my arms and legs.I just hope my mom and Pluto got away.I hear commotion outside the door and slump my head,pretending to still be unconscious.They were probobably going to come in at any moment.

And then,like I had anticipated,the door openes and a silhouette of a person comes into view.It's dark,so I can't exactly make out anything around me.

"She looks better than the last time I saw her,"a familiar male voice says and I make out the Italian accent.

"I don't know what your brother saw in her.She doesn't look very promising,"a feminine voice scoffs and I soon realize it's Ken?Kanye?Kris?Whatever Lucien's brother's name is.

"Let's wake the little slut now,"the feminine voice speaks again.

"No need,"I say and lift my head up.I sigh as I see it's indeed Lucien's douche of a brother.

"Oh,nice to meet you again,Ken,"I said in a sarcastic tone and he turns on a light and scowls at me.

"It's Kyle,doll,"I roll my eyes and look towards the female.

"And who might you be,oh your highness?"I ask and bend my head down for extra measures.

"Don't play with me,little girl.The name is Delores De Luca,"she says and my eyes widen in realization.

"Oh,"I say and close my eyes again.

"Okay,slut,you are really starting to annoy me with your attitude,"she snaps at me and slaps me across the cheek.

"Your nails need a trim,"is all I say and receive a punch in the gut.I scream out as an overwhelming amount of pain takes over my body.

"Fuck!"I scream in agony even after she punche me.I feel tears gather in my eyes and turn my head to the side as bile rises up my throat.I throw up on Delores's shoes and she screams.

"Hang her on the fucking wall!Fucking disgusting slut!"she runs away disgusted and I try to slow down my racing heart.As a foctor I would now that,that punch wasn't enough to make me react like that.For a second I considered...no.No.I was on the pill.There is no fucking way.

As I considered the thought,I sobbed at the thought of being actually pregnant and in this situation.I could lose my child.He wouldn't have a father figure even if we survived.

If I was certainly pregnant I had to protect this baby.I couldn't be pregnant!No,fuck!

Why am I realizing this now?I am a fucking doctor.If I was pregnant how could I not realize this sooner?I was in some deep shit and I only prayed to God that He would protect my child.

"Oh don't cry,doll.You'll get used to us eventually.And tell us every whereabout Lucien,"he cackled and I reclined from pissing in his eyes.I probably won't get out of here without dying.

"Am I the only one you took?"I croaked out and he looked at me weirdly.

"Who else would we take?"I let out a sigh of relief and looked up at the ceiling.

God,I need Your saving grace.

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