~Chapter 24~

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Scarlett's POV

I stared at the floor for hours on end.I don't know how long I've been here but it doesn't look like I've been here for long.

A rat ran on the floor and I gulped.Unfortunately,my legs were tied to a chair so I couldn't even lift my feet so it ran over my combat boots.The room I was in was pure and utter shit.Well,it wasn't like I was expecting some five star hotel shit but they could've atleast put me in a cleaner corner.

Metal scraping sounded to my ears and I kept my head down.The room had no windows and only one door.

"We meet again,suka,"a familiar voice said but I still kept my head down.

"Well I have to say,the last time I saw you you didn't look so good,"I refused to reply or make eye contact.I could literally feel his perverted eyes scanning over my body.Something girls and women had to deal with everyday.

"You are testing my patience,little one,"he chuckled and sighed.

I heard a gun cock then felt something cool against my forehead,most likely the gun.

I looked up at him,knowing if I test him longer my brains would be decorated all over the floors.

"Good girl,"he said and shot right next to my head.I closed my eyes tightly and clenched my teeth,my ears ringing.

"Tell me where and when Lucien's shipments take place or I'll take my machete and chop your fingers off,"he demanded and I gulped.

"I don't know.He never tells me anything about his 'shipments'.I don't even know what he's laundering,"I said truthfully and looked him dead in the eye.He looked at me suspiciously before narrowing his eyes at me.

"Give me three good reasons why he doesn't tell you about his business,"he took out a pocket knife and twirled it in between his fingers.

"For one,he doesn't want to involve me in things in the Mafia.He thinks the less I know the safer I am.Two,we have only recently met and it's too soon for him to tell me all his personal things.Three,he thinks I'll take off running,"I said,the entire time looking at the pocket knife.

He threw it to the side and it fell on the floor.I sighed in relief but nevertheless kept my guard up.He stepped towards me and grinned.Just like that,my relief went out the non-existent window.

A/N-Trigger Warning!

He placed his grubby hand on my thigh and I squirmed.My leggings won't be able to stop him from raping or molesting me.He forced my legs open and my eyes widened.

He then trailed his other hand up to my breasts and I squirmed again.Tears filled my eyes as bile rose up my throat.

"Please don't touch me!"I screamed and he chuckled.He grabbed my breasts and leaned down to press his lips to mine.I pursed my lips and he slapped me.

Next thing I knew I was being untied and thrown onto a flimsy mattress.

"I bet I can fuck you better than Lucien ever has,"he whispered in my ear and I gagged.

He began undressing me and all the while I screamed.He hastily took off my coat and hoodie and moved to my shirt.As he was going to take it off I kicked him in the face and he chuckled before choking me.His hand clasped around my throat and I clawed at it.I felt my pants come off and gasped.

"No!Please no!"I screamed loudly and heard footsteps.I began to scream loudly and the footsteps stopped.By now,I was only in my undergarments.The door opened just as he was about to unclasp my bra.I cried out in relief and looked up at my savior.

My eyes widened into saucers and so did hers.I felt tears brim my eyes at the sight of her.

"What t-the fuck Jada?"

The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now