~Chapter 48~

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Scarlett's POV

Lucien was pushed to the floor on the other side of the room.He was bloody and beaten up.He had a fresh bullet hole in his shoulder.I got up and ran towards him and dropped down on my knees beside him.

"Watch it bitch!"a masculine voice shouted but I brushed them off.There was also a cut that ran from his eyebrow to his cheek.It wasn't deep enough to scar but it still looked painful.I look over his wounds and he was losing a lot of blood.Tears ran down my face as I looked at him thoroughly.He looked disorientated.I grasped his face in my hands.

"It's gonna be okay.We still have a way out,"I whispered as I felt the pocket knife in my bra.

I heard the door open again and Thomas and Delores ran in with guns in their hands.

"Get away from him!You are mine!You belong to me!"I craddled Lucien's head even further as they approached us.

Lucien was ripped away from my arms and I cried out.I was thrown across the room by the man that brought me in at gun point.I fell to the floor and stood up again shakily.

"You really thought your plan would work didn't you?"I looked towards Lucien as Delores spoke.

He was now awake but was in a daze.He looked right at me and jumped to his feet.

"No Lu-"he was shot in the leg before I could finish my sentence and I let out a scream.

"Please stop!"I cried as I crawled towards Lucien.

"Princess..."he rasped out."You're gonna get out of here.I-If it's the last thing I do,"I craddled him and was yet again yanked off of him.

"You belong to me!You go near no male.Do you understand me?!"Thomas screamed in my face as he gripped my hair.I whimpered as I claw at his hands.He suddenly placed his hands on my neck and began choking me.I gasped for air and flailed in his grip.He just tightened even more and I was beginning to see black spots.

First sign of passing out soon.

I was beginning to panic and Lucien was being held back by a gaurd,watching helplessly.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this son.Now you no longer have distractions and we can carry out with our plan,"I faintly heard Delores say.When I felt my breath hitch I reached into my bra and stabbed him in the eye.Blood gushed out and sprayed onto my face.His screams fall onto my ears like a laulaby.

His grip on me vanished and before I could hit the floor Lucien caught me.He picked a gun of the floor and shot two guards.We had an opportunity to get out of here.We ran towards the door and threw it open.Delores was on the floor and coughing.

When we stepped into the corridor smoke engulfed us and it became hard to breathe.Fire was everywhere and I looked at Lucien.

"There are tunnels underneath.The fire wouldn't have reach them,"I nodded and we ran towards lower ground.We heard an explosion as numerous oil and gasoline containers caught fire and blew up.The building was starting to cave and we hurried down.We heard gunshots behind us and I cursed.

Suddenly the ceiling fell and I ran foward and jumped out of the way.Now I was in the tunnel.Wait...Lucien wasn't in here with me.

"Lucien!Lucien!"I dug through the rubble as I sobbed.My nails and finger tips were beginning to burst open and were bloody.I saw a hand and tugged.

"Princess...It's okay,"I heard his weak voice.I sobbed harder and tried to dig harder.His face came into few and I dropped to my knees,scraping them on the rubble but I could care less.The man I loved was not with me and I felt every piece of my heart break.

I took his face in my hands and looked him in the eye.I was not strong enough to pull him out but I tried.

"Come on baby.We need to get you out of here,"I tugged again and he took my hand in his.

"Scarlett...I need you to go witho-"I cut him off as I sobbed louder.

"No!No,Lucien!"I protested and his eyes watered.

"Listen to me!They are on their way.And I doubt if they get to you they'll let you live.So go.Go without me,my love.I could never live with myself knowing I could've prevented your passing,"I shook my head and heard voices shout and the crack of fire.

"No!I can't lose you!"I screamed and cried even more.

"I love you.Now go,"he demanded and I nodded.

"I love you,"I kissed his lips and got up and did exactly as he said.I ran down the tunnel and saw a turn.I couldn't bear to turn around and see his face so I ran.I ran so far I couldn't see behind me anymore.Finally I reached the end if the tunnel and saw the factory far behind me.

It felt like my world stopped around me when I saw the factory explode into flames.

"I love you.Now go,"

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