~Chapter 38~

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Scarlett's POV

All I could see were dead bodies.Many of Lucien's men survived but some dead.It hadn't gone unnoticed.I limped towards the staircase door and knocked.

"Mama it's me.It's okay come out,"I said and the door ulocked.My mother rushed out and hugged me.I embraced her then pulled back and grabbed her hand.I ripped off the wedfing ring and I limped as we ran.We found Lucien clutching his shoulder and Ace holding him up.Lucien had a look of pain and regret on his face but as he looked up it vanished into relief.

He ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"What the fuck Scarlett?You just dissappeared after you were stabbed.I thought I lost you,"he whispered in my ear.I rubbed his neck and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay,I'm okay,"I said and stepled aside to show him my mom.She looked confused and looked at him curiously.

"Who are you?"she asked and I took her hand once again and led us to the door.

"I'm Lucien.I'll explain everything later.But now we have to get out of here before the cops or feds dhow up,"he said and opened the door before looking outside and directing us to Garret.Luckily,Garret was smart to lay low while shit went down and didn't get hurt.

We climbed into the limo and I hissed at the pain in my hip.It was still bleeding and now that the adrenaline was wearing off it was quite painful.Lucien looked at me with worry and took out a first-aid kit out of one of the cabinets.He then bent down and tore the piece of my dress that covered my hip off.

"Fuck,"I hissed in pain as the dry blood that sticked to the dress tore off of my skin.

"Every man avert you eyes before I pull them out of their socket,"Lucien growled and they did as told.My mom approached us and also bent down and patted Lucien's shoulder that wasn't shot.

"I got it from here.Let someone take a look at that or I'll do it once I'm done with Scar's wound,"she said and he looked at her for a while before nodding and sat down next to me and took my hand in his.

"I'm so glad you're okay Scar.I missed you so much,"she said and began treating my wound.

"It's okay mama.We're okay.And I'm sorry I never returned to Boston.I just wanted to leave the memories behind,"I said as shame filled me.Not once did I consider her suffering from the memories of what my rachid father did to us.After all she was the one that endured the most pain.

"About that...Honey your father..."her voice broke and I hissed as I felt her begin stitching me up.

"Oh fuck,"I said and she looked at me apologetically.

"Honey your father was released from jail,"she huried out and my whole body tensed.Lucien felt and sensed it because he squeezed my hand reassuringly and I looked hesitantly at my mom.

"Ms.Hayes.If you want you can move in with us,"my eyes as well as my mom's shot to him and he looked dead serious.

"You live together?"she cocked an eyebrow and I looked towards Lucien and raised my eybrow as I saw him scratch the back of his neck.I looked at him amused as I saw his cheeks flush.

"Yes,um s-she was about to get killed so I offered or forced her to come live woth me,"he rambled and I supressed the urge to laugh.

"Oh yeah so why was I kidnapped,beaten to a pulp and threatened at gun point exactly?"she asked and wrapped bandages around my hip.

"Well,Lucien is um...how do I put this?A..."I trailed off and looked at him and silently told him to finish if he wanted to.

"A billionaire which causes people to turn against me and try to take my epire from me.Again,I am terribly sorry you got caught in this...shit,"he lied and looked at me and I nodded.The fewer people that knew about his "occupation" the better.Also I was sworn into omĕrta so I didn't say anything.My loyalty to Lucien was strong and I didn't intend to go against him in any way.

Not just because I loved him but because I cared for him and would never risk what we had.Wait...love?!I back tracked and looked at Lucien wondering if he could read my thoughts.

He just smiled at me as we arrived at his estate and I smiled hesitantly in return.

We climbed out and headed inside where we were greeted by the staff and Lucien's men.I showed my mom around and helped her situate in her room.Her blue eyes,identical to my own shown with happiness and greatfulness.I returned to Lucien who was in our bedroom and laid down next to him after showering and treating his wound.

"Lucien,"I said and he hummed.

"Have you ever loved anyone?"I asked and laid on his chest on my stomach.I looked into his eyes and he tensed slightly.

"Yes..."he trailed off and I slightly smiled and laid my head on his chest.

"Did you love Hank?"he asked and I looked at him confused.

"Who the fuck is Hank?"I laughed and he looked at me seriously.

"Isn't that his name?The guy that cheated on-"he cut himself off and I thought about it.

"I didn't love Hunter.What I felt for him was simply contentment and fear of being alone,"I said and looked into his eyes.Wishing I could utter those three majestic words.

The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now