~Chater 7~

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Lucien's POV

I shoot two men and flip a table before ducking behind it.I momentarily look behind me to Scarlett to make sure she's safe.

What was taking Ace so long?I punched a guy in the face and slammed his head down on a table.I pulled out a knife he had and stabbed him in the neck.I turned around just to catch a guy trying to stab me.I caught the knife and twisted his hand.He head bumped me and I stumbled back a bit as black spots covered my vision.I blinked rapidly and saw the guy charging towards me again.

I kicked him in the face and he fell backwards.Another one stood up with his gun in hand and begin shooting at me.I ducked down hid behind a table.I reloaded my own gun and before I could shoot the guy fell down and blood gushed out of his head.

Ace and a few of my other men rushed in and began killing the scumbags.My head snapped towards the counter and I ran towards it.I threw myself over it and landed on my back on the floor.

I was expecting Scarlett to be sitting there but my eyes widened when I only saw broken glass and blood stains.

"Fucking hell,"Ace ran in my direction and fired off some shoots.

"Ace...Scarlett was taken.Send a few men to take the route to the back exit and kitchen and I'll go where the bathrooms are and make my way around.Find her.You know what she looks like,"he nodded and handed me a hand gun and ran off.I ran down the hall passed the staff lockers and opened random doors with my gun drawn.

I had no luck and took a left to the restrooms.I opened doors again and when I came to the males' I heard a groan.I bust the door open and looked left and right.There he stood,Vincent Valkov with his gun pressed to Scarlett's temple.He looked towards the door and pointed the gun to me,his arm locked around her neck.

"Ah...Lucien De Luca.A pleasure,"the bastard smiled at me and I grit my teeth.

"Let go of her or I'll shoot your dick off,"I coldly said and he cackled.

"Now that's not very considerate...How else am I going to fuck her?"he licked the side of Scarlett's face and I shot the window behind him.

"What the fuck?"Scarlett exclaimed before slamming her head up and bumped his jaw.He bit his tounge and loosened his arms around Scarlett.She slipped down and ran towards me.

"You fucking bitch!"he spit blood onto the floor and before he could shoot I shot him in the chest.He gasped and stumbled backwards before falling out of the window.

"Holy shit,"Scarlett's eyes were wide as she stared at the window.I grabbed her hand and dragged her behind me and walked towards the back door.

I pulled my phone out and called Garret.

"Back door.Now,"we paced down the hall and turned right before finding the exit.I yanked the door open and saw Garret skidding to a stop.I rushed Scarlett into the car and climbed in myslef.

"Garret turn on the transmitter,"he nodded and pressed the button.


"Yes?"gunshots were heard in the distance.

"Plant a tracker on one of the bastard's cars and withdraw at once,"I said and heard gunshots again before he finally answered.

"Understood,"Garret looked back at me and I nodded.He turned off the transmitter and put up the barrier.

I turned to Scarlett who was trembling slightly and looked dazed.

"What the fuck are you involved in?"she looked at me hesitantly and I sighed.

"Some heavy shit,princess,"she looked at me for a long time before sighing.

"You do know that you won't be safe at your house anymore.They know you are involved with me somehow and are going to be targeting you,"I said and sit back.I lit a cigarette and took a huff before blowing out a puff of smoke.

"Oh and I wonder whose fault that is.And could you not?"she glared at me and I shrugged.

"My bad.Looks like you'll have to live with me,"I said and winked at her.

"Pass.I'd rather stay with my boyfriend in the meantime,"I scowled and put out the cigarette in the ash tray.

"And you are so sure that he'd be able to protect you against highly trained assassins and the mafia?You have a lot of confidence in him,"I looked at her in the eye and saw a fire ignite in them.

"Well this wouldn't have happened if you weren't so persistent to go out.I could've been home with my dog right now.You knew what and whom you were involved with and still had the audacity to drag me into this shithole.What a gentleman,"I chuckled and threw her my phone.

"Call your fucking boyfriend then,"I kissed my teeth and she glared at me and opened the phone before dialing the number.

"Hello,"It's silent for a bit before she speaks again.

"This is Scarlett.Is Hunter there?"I stare at her and she furrows her eyebrows.She pulls the phone from her ear and puts it on speaker.

"Who is it baby?"this time it's a masculine voice and I see Scarlett's mouth fall open.

"I think it's someone named Scarl-"the line cuts off and she stares at the phone.

"Should've knew the son of a bitch would have an affair.What a bitch,"she laughs bitterly before handing me the phone.

I'm going to have to stain my hands with blood again.

The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now