~Chapter 5~

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Scarlett's POV

"Hey baby.Who's this?"Hunter asked and I turned around to face him.I was shocked,to say at least.He never showed up at my work like that.

"Oh hey Hunter,"I walked over to him and hugged him."This is..."I trailed off and looked at the green-eyed guy.What havoc did I cause in my past life that this day is turning out like this.

"Lucien.Lucien De Luca,"he said with his eyes locked on me.

"Right...Hunter this Mr.De Luca.Mr.De Luca this is Hunter.My boyfriend.I'm not entirely sure what Mr.De Luca is doing here,"I gestured between them.

"Oh.Nice to meet you,man,"Hunter said and held out his hand for a handshake.Lucien looked at it and looked up again,not bothering to even greet him.

Hunter retrieved his hand awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.God,how awkward.

"Hunter,did you need something?"I asked and turned away from Lucien who was staring at me intensely.

"Nope,just wanted to see my girl,"he said  and pressed a kiss to my cheek.I knew exactly what he was doing but I let him be.

"Okay well I gotta get to work but as soon as I'm off I'll call you okay?"I smiled and he furrowed his brows.

"You're always working.You don't even have time for me anymore.It's honestly so fucking annoying,"he scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.Did I really have to deal with shit this early in the morning?

"It's my work place.Where I should be working,Hunter.It's not even my lunch break yet and you show up without giving me a call.Do you think these people hear are going to treat themselves?"I snapped and he dragged me down the hallway by my wrist.

"Don't talk to me like that babe.I might just get angry,"he pushed me against the wall and my eyebrows shot up.Oh,so we're doing this?

Before I could say anything Hunter was thrown off me and was thrashing around on the floor.

"How bold of you to lay a finger on her you son of a bitch,"Lucien towered over him and he stumbled as he got up.I was watching this with no intention of helping Hunter and with no intention of thanking this guy.I didn't even know other than his name and that he's a stalker.

"She's fucking you isn't she?"Hunter spit and I scoffed.Oh my God,he went there.Man,fuck everyone.

"You fucking know I've been loyal for our entire relationship.What's gotten into you?"I stress out and walk away

"Baby.Uh n-"I tune him out and take the elevator up to my office.We're gonna solve this problem later.After all we've been together for two years.Or at least that was I was telling myself.Day by day I was doubting my relationship with Hunter.

I open the door to my office and plop down on the love seat.I groan and bury my head in my arms.I hear the door open and sigh.I had a long shift today and if Hunter was going to be bothering me with his petty shit, I would seriously shove my foot up his ass since he wanted to try something new in bed.How satisfying that would be,really.

"Hunter I'm really not in the mood now.We can talk later,"I said and heard the door close.

"Good thing I'm not Hunter,"a husky voice speaks up and I look up at Lucien.Oh great,I thought it was the toxic boyfriend but turns out it's the handsome stalker.How fortunate.

"Mr.De Luca-"

"Call me Lucien,"he cuts me off and I nod.

"Lucien what are you doing here?I made it clear that I'm not interested,"I sigh and stand up.

"Not interested or can't?"I rolled my eyes and walked to my desk,sorting the papers on it.

"Not interested and it's not actually in my agenda to have a complete stranger in my office with the door closed,"I shrugged and cross my arms over my chest.He took a few steps closer and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh really?"he tucks a stray of hair that fell out of the hair net."But,Dr.Hayes.I must inform you.I'm not one to give up easily.One way or another we're going to end up on a date.Maybe not today but maybe tomorrow.Who knows,"his husky voice was alluring and  I took a few steps back to avoid doing anything that would make my dead grandmother turn in her grave.

"Yeah...no,"I scowled and he chuckled.

"So where are we meeting up?"

"Oh I don't know about you but I'm heading home right after my shift ends and you can go to the Bahamas for all I care,"I suggested and he rolled his eyes.

"One date.And maybe,just maybe I won't show up to your job anymore,"he leaned against my desk and I looked him up and down with a scowl on my face.This guy wouldn't give up.

"Okay,fine.At the ice cream parlor at three.Take it or leave it.And just so you know.This is platonic.No,as strangers on a meeting,"I had to get him off my case.

"Whatever you say,"he chuckled and turned towards the door.

"Princess,just so you know I'm usually the one in charge.No not usually,I'm always in charge.So this is a one time thing,"he states matter of factly and I scoff.As if I give two shits.

"Don't speak so much big guy.I might just consider not going,"I roll my eyes and take a seat at my desk.

"I'll pick you up at three,"I muttered a 'whatever' under my breath and he left.I let out a sigh of relief.God,was he intimidating.

My phone vibrated and I took it out of the drawer and saw I had a few messages.A few from Hunter which I ignored and one from an unknown number.

'Looking forward to our date'

What the hell?This was stalkish on another level.But I couldn't deny that this was amusing.

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