~Chapter 47~

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Scarlett's POV

No one has come into the room and how I'm grateful for that.The tears dried,the pain is still unbearable and the numbness is taking over.I knew it was Lucien who came and somehow now that I knew what type of person his mother was,did I know that Lucien probably had no intentions of actually marrying Barbie 101.Now I've turned into those stupid and naive girlsthat are too blinded by their rage to even consider the possibility that it wasn't the way they made it out to be.Stupid.Idiotic.

I sighed and took deep breaths as a sharp pain struck my stomach again.All around me gunshots fired and explosions went off.It wasn't long before the metal door burst open and Kyle came running in.

"Prince charming came to save the damsel in distress,"he muttered and unlocked the chains around my wrists and ankles.I dripped to the floor and whimpered as I fell and cradled my stomach.I was grabbed by my hair and yanked backwards.

"I doubt he'll reciprocate if he sees what condition his whore is in,"he spits and drags me up.He shoves a gun into my back and nudges me forward.We walk down hallways and see several men and women fighting and shooting at each other.

"Open fire!"I hear a voice shout and bullets spray past our heads as Kyle yanks us behind some containers.I look around and see an exit but apparently so does Kyle.

"Make a move and your dead just like that mut inside you is,"he barks in my ear and suddenly numbness overtakes my body.Both emotionally and physically.I feel something beside me and look down to see an iron shaped like a speer.I don't hesitate to shove it into Kyle's shoulderHe screams in pain and I don't waste time getting up and running away.

I run cautiously and rather slowly due to my injuries down numerous hallways and past gasoline and oil containers.If the were setting off explosions the entire time there had to be a fire somewhere.Hopefully I don't encounter it.

I run and duck behind crates and containers.The night's darkness doing nothing to indicate where I'm going.

"Hey you!"I don't bother to turn around to see who it is before I'm sprinting away again.I get out of breath and my throat clogs up.The odour of smoke lingers in the air and I cough a bit before I'm walking backwards into a dark corner looking around to see if the person caught up with me.

I let out a sigh of relief but my neck hairs soon stand at full attention.A hand clasps over my mouth and I'm dragged over behind a crate.I squirm,kick and bite against the person's hand and they let out a yelp.

"Fucking hell.Calm down woman,"a very familiar voice scolds.

"Giovanie?"I croak out,my eyes as wide as saucers.

"The one and only,"he replies.

"Oh my God!I thought you would be dead!"I whispered-yell and fling myself into his arms.He pats my back awkwardly and I pull back.

"Are you here with Lucien?"I ask and I see him shake his head.

"I haven't been with boss and the rest of the mafia for a very long time.But,that is a story for another day.Let's get you somewhere safe.And some clothes,"he helps me up and he wal towards a door.

Suddenly there's a crack and ceiling which is caught on fire falls behind us.I let out a gasp and run a little faster.All I see is smoke now.

I feel a gun press into my side and I look to my left where Giovanie originally was only to see that he is now gone.

"Move it,"a gruff voice says and nudges me forward.I oblige and begin walking forward.I am brought into a room with a flickering light.I am shoved onto my knees and my hands are bound together by a rope,once again.

After a few moments I hear the door fly open and my head snaps up.

Nothing could've prepared for me for what I saw.

The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now