~Chapter 11~

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Scarlett's POV

After a somewhat goodnight's sleep I woke up in the soft and cozy bed.I hesitantly peeled the covers off of me and got out of bed.I had drool on the side of my mouth and my hair was tangled on top of my head.As I stared at myslef in the mirror,I couldn't help but feel self-conscious.I was in an alien area,I didn't know these people.I felt out of my element and all I wanted was to return home.Where I was safe and away from this crime lifestyle.

I stepped into the bathroom and opened the faucet of the shower.Steam filled up the bathroom and the mirror fogged up.I began to undress and threw my clothes in the laundry basket.I stepped under the scorching hot water and relished in the feeling of my body relaxing.I used my body wash and scrubbed every part of my body.I shut off the water and grabbed a white,fluffy towel which I wrapped around myself.I grabbed another towel to dry my hair. I grabbed my hairdryer and dried my hair.

I took out my moisturizer from the large cabinet and lathered myself with it.I walked out to the closet and picked out a pencil skirt and a tight white blouse.I put on my pumps and walked out the door.

I couldn't just stay at this mansion and neglect my work.During the random hours I woke up,I called the hospital and explained to them that I would be working from home for personal reasons and I would collect paperwork and everything I needed from my office.

"Where are you going?"I jumped two feet back and yelled in surprise.Lucien stood there with his arms crossed and looking at me sternly.

"Jesus Christ!Could you like,not creep up on me out of the shadows?"I shivered and walked to the elevator.I heard him following behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't answer my question,"he said.I pushed the button to the first floor and watched as the doors closed.

"Yes,I'm aware,"I nodded and he glared at me.

"Damn,what crawled up your ass? I'm going to the hospital to collect some paperwork as I'm not allowed to go work there, I'll be working from here in the meantime,"he looked at me for a while before nodding.

"Giovanie will be escorting you then,"I looked at him then shrugged.I couldn't even remember anyone except for Greg.The metal doors slid open and we stepped foot on the first floor.There were a few maids bustling around carrying food platters and plates.Lucien's men were seated and conversing.As soon as Lucien entered,everyone went silent before nodding his eay and going back yo their conversation.It was like something out of an action movie,quite entertaining really.

"When are you planning on going to the hospital?"Lucien asked.He directed us to the dining table.

"I was actually planning on going right now to get it over with,"he looked at me for a while before shaking his head.

"You haven't eaten,"

"I can grab something on the way at a café,"I retorted.

"You're being ridiculous.The maids have already prepared the food.Just eat here,"he insisted.I sighed and glared at him.

"It'll be a waste of time.I told you I wanted to go as soon as possible so I'll just grab something on the way,goddamnit!"he glared at me and I glared back,standing my ground.I hadn't notice a dozen pair of eyes were watching the exchange and the room was silent.

"Giovanie,escort her to the hospital.Garret will be taking you.Come back as soon as you're done,"he said while still looking at me.Fire in those striking eyes.

"I'm not your dog,"I said through gritted teeth.My biggest pet peeve was being bossed around.It annoyed and triggered me on so many levels.He was glaring at me intensely and I scoffed.Giovanie was standing nearby and I walked past Lucien and headed to the door.Giovanie opened the door and we headed out.Garret had the car ready and Giovanie opened the door and we both climbed inside.

"Good morning Ms.Hayes!"Garret said in a chirpy tone and I smiled.

"Morning Mr.Garret,"he chuckled and started the car.

"I heard you wanted to stop at a café for some food?Where would you like to go?"he asked and headed towards the large gate.

"Anywhere is fine,"he nodded and drove through the gate once it was opened.Giovanie was silent and keeping a watchful eye.

"Your boss is an asshole,"I grumbled and kissed my teeth.

"Bold of you to say that infront of one of his loyal men,"he said and I jumped at how deep his voice was.Lucien's voice was deep but this guy's voice was on a whole other level.

"Nice vocals,"I said and he stared at me before quirking an eyebrow.


"Yes,very deep and rich,"I continued before looking out of the window to see in which neighborhood we were.I had no problem speaking my mind and I think he caught up to that because he didn't say anything further.

In a matter of time we pulled up to a café that I remember passing on my way to work although I haven't gone in.Giovanie tucked his pistol in the inside of his suit jacket and climbed out.I opened my door and climbed out as well.Immediately heads turned as soon as they saw Giovanie.Well,I couldn't blame them almost everyone associated with Lucien looked like Greek gods.

I hurried into the café with Giovanie hot on my heels.I was greeted with homey decor and a hotspot at the back of the café.I definitely should have entered here on my way to work.I turned towards the counter where a barista stood with a wide smile on her face.I smiled back at her.

"Good morning.What can I get you?"she chirped and I looked at my options even though I knew what I wanted.

"Good morning.Can I get the Espresso,black with two pumps of vanilla and the breakfast meal?"

"Okay,name?"she asked.I looked towards Giovanie and he shook his head subtly.

"Estella,"I said and she nodded.

"To go?"I nodded and stood off to the side so other customers could get a turn.I walked towards Giovanie and stood next to him.

"Did you want anything?"he shook his head and I nodded.

"Estella!"the barista called and I stood still for a moment before realising I was supposed to be Estella.I quickly went to the right side where my order stood.

"Enjoy and have a nice day!"she smiled.

"Thank you,"I grabbed my food and walked towards the door.Giovanie followed closely behind me.I hurried towards the car as soon as I was out the door.I nearly tumbled down as someone bumped into me.

I looked over my shoulder and a man in a hoodie just hurried along.What did you expect in the busy streets of New York?All the hustle and bustle of the city sometimes really got on my nerves.

Giovanie opened the car door for me and I climbed inside with my food tightly against my chest.I quickly opened the cute packaging and began scarfing down the little heaven.The car jerked forward as Garret pulled onto the road.I narrowly dodged the falling sauce from the breakfast sandwhich and took a sip from my coffee.

With an impeccable skill of dodging and concentration,I finished the delightful meal in a matter of minutes.I wiped my mouth clean with the napkins provided as well as my hands.I could tell we were nearing the hospital but it would take approximately 20 minutes because of the terrible traffic.Garret overtook some cars and sped down the highway.I finished half of my drink when we pulled up to the hospital sooner than I anticipated.Giovanie and I climbed out and made our way to the entrance.

After greeting Tiffany we took the elevator up to my office.The elevator ride was filled with silence,the only sound my intense sipping.The metal doors slid open and we walked to the left where my office was.I threw the door open and began emptying my drawers.I took out the files of my patients and stacked them in a box.I pulled out the disc from my company laptop and put it in my purse.After packing all the files in the box I went over to the hardcopies of my patients records and packed them in as well.

"Okay I think I'm done here,"I said to Giovanie,who stood silently infront of the door the entire time.I locked up my office and shoved the keys in my purse.

The Mafia Boss's Claim (Undergoing Editing,Do Not Read)Where stories live. Discover now