~Chapter 4~

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Scarlett's POV

"Good morning Tiff,"I smiled and she pushed her glasses up her nose and smiled,her hazel eyes twinkling and her blonde hair put up in a round bun.

"Morning Scar,"I sipped my coffee and took the elevator to my small office.I was a doctor that did many operations and surgeries.I didn't study for a surgeon's degree but I'm always included in some of the surgeries the surgeons perform.I actually considered studying further and becoming a neurosurgeon.

The ding of the elevator snapped me out of my thoughts and I proceeded to stroll to my office.When I unlocked the door Jada was sitting in my chair,swinging around.The nerve of this woman.

"Motherfucker,"I said in disbelief.

"Good morning,Scarlett,"she smiled brightly and I flipped her off.

"Don't tell me you're still mad I left you at the bar,"I gave her a dirty look as she cackled.

"Oh no Jada I am so happy you ditched me for a piece of dick,"I said sarcastically with my hand over my heart.

"Oh fuck off,"she rolled her eyes and stood up out of my chair.

"Was the lay at least good?"she nodded eagerly and pulled down her shirt a bit.Hickeys were lined up on her neck.

"And I need to be seeing that why?"I sat down on my chair and took out a few files of upcoming patients.

"Don't act like such a prude,Scar.He was really good.Probably the best I've had.He was big too,"she was all dough-eyed.I sighed and sipped at my coffee.I didn't need education on sexual intercourse.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.There.Are you done now?"I was getting annoyed and she nodded.

"What's up with you?Hunter not giving you enough attention?"my eyes snapped up to hers.

"Watch your mouth Jada,"she held her hands up in defense and smirked.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you guys are still together-"I stood up and glared at her.

"I said...Watch your fucking mouth,"I gritted out.God,when she got like this I wanted to strangle her so bad.

"Woah.No need to get all sensitive.We're best friends,right Scar?"she winked before leaving.

"Entitled piece of shit,"I ran my hand through my hair and took a gulp of my coffee again before finishing it.

I looked over some files until my intercom buzzed.I pushed the received button.

"Dr.Hayes,you are needed on the third floor room 153A.Brief input;female,17 years of age and brutal brusing and head trauma.Please report there as soon as possible,"Dr.Kingsley's voice rang through the intercom.

"I'll be right there,doctor,"the intercom buzzed off.I was already in my scrubs and put on a hair net before advancing to the door.I took the elevator up to the third floor since I was situated on the second.

I walked into room 153A and saw a blonde girl lauing on the bed.He wasn't kidding when he said she had brutal bruising.Her left eye was swollen shut,her shoulder dislocated and a few broken ribs.Not only that but she had bruises everywhere.I felt for her dearly.This couldn't have been some sort of accident.I knew the injuries of abuse very well and I was certain that this was the case.

She opened her eye slightly and I smiled at her.I picked up the chart that was left there that included all her details.

"Heather sweety.I am sorry we had to meet under these circumstances.I know it might be tough right now but I need you to tell me what happened.The police might want your statement,"I said gently and lifted her shirt carefully over her head.

"M-my boyfriend got angry and beat me badly.From yesterday to today when our neighbours reported a ruckus to the police.They arrested him and took me here,"she explained and I nodded apologetically.

"I'm sorry sweety.He's locked up for good though so just relax,okay?"she nodded and tried to smile at me but hissed when her cut lip stretched.

"I have to do some tests on you and adjust your shoulder.Can you stay strong for a bit?"She nodded once again and I continued to undress her.As I continued I saw she had a lot more scars and damage done on her.

I treated Heather and put her on some sedatives to numb the pain and so she could sleep.I walked out of her room and closed the door.I walked down the corridor to the elevator but was stopped by a tug at my wrists.

I turned around to see the green-eyed creep from the club.Stalker much?

"What the...hell do you want with me?"I snatched my arm back,creeped out that he knew where I worked.

"Yeah.Go on a date with me tonight,"he stated more than asking.What's this guy's problem?

"Can you back the f-"I was cut off by who I was expecting the least.

"Hey baby.Who's this?"

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