Chapter 39

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As I opened my eyes, I expected it to be dark outside. However, the sun was up in the sky. I checked my phone to see that it was six o'clock in the morning. I had a rather peaceful sleep, which I did not intend on having.

Just as I got up to sit on my bed, Jason knocked on my door. I told him to come inside.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. Jason was fully prepared for school.
"Alright," I answered.

"Last night you did not even eat," Jason stated. I recalled Jason calling me the previous night after I was dozed off. I had told him that I was not feeling well and that I would eat later. Regardless, I did not have anything because I was almost senseless because of the deep sleep.

"You had a high temperature yesterday when I checked," Jason declared. He checked my forehead again to see that I still had a higher temperature than usual.

"I should get ready for school," I stated and got up. My head was dizzy but I got up  either way.
"I'll drive you to school," Jason asseverated.
"Why?" I asked out of shock.
"You are not driving in this state and you don't have any other method of transport. Thus I'll drive you," he said with authority in his voice.

I did not argue because for one, he was right, and second I liked his company.

We had to leave the house a little earlier as Jason had to drop me off first.

"Thank you Jason, for everything," I said once we were inside Jason's car.
"Austin, I did not do anything," Jason said while smiling. I smiled looking at him.
"Honestly, your support and presence is probably why I'm not having a serious mental breakdown," I announced.

"Vianna you are doing everything," said Jason. Jason extended his hand and put it on top of mine which was on my lap. Giving it a squeeze he added, "All I'm doing is standing beside you like a dork."

I smiled looking at Jason before looking outside of the window. However, at that time another thing that was bugging me was Jason's hand which he did not move.

It was definitely messing with the hormones inside me. Such a small gesture as holding was affecting me to such a degree.

My school was not far and we reached within no time. As I was about to open the door Jason squeezed my hand again and told me that he will pick me up after school too. He at last let go of me and I went inside school dizzier than ever. At that time I was not sure which was affecting me more; Jason comforting me or the whole situation for which he comforted me in the first place. 

"Hey Vee. What's up?" Aiden asked as I approached my group of friends.
"Just the usual," I replied.

"If it was the usual then you would not be so red in the face," Thea stated.
"What?" I asked while holding my cheeks.
"Why are you blushing?" Addison asked looking at me.
"I don't know," I lied.

It was a Monday. The day that should be permanently removed from the calender. The whole day I tried hard to concentrate on what the teachers were saying but expect when one of my teachers announced about the coming test, I did not remember much of what was said. The classes were banal and monotonous as usual and nothing out of the ordinary occurred. The whole day was basically passed in a daze and before long it was time to get back get home.

"Hey wanna hang out today? We are going to Addison's house," Nathan said as we were walking in the parking lot.
"I'm not feeling well today," I replied.
"Okay. We'll be there if you want to come," he added.

"Vee where's your car?" Aiden was alarmed when he did not see my car in the parking area.
"I did not bring it today," I announced.
"How did you come then?" Thea interrogated.

"Jason is my commute for the day," I said causing all of them to look at me teasingly.
"Now that explains why you were blushing so hard in the morning," mentioned Addison.

We were standing there talking amongst ourselves when Jason arrived in his Mustang and stopped it a few yards from me.

"Jason, all of us are hanging out in Addison's place. You both should come," Aiden told Jason as I opened the door to get inside.
"Actually, Vianna and I have plans later, but we'll sure try to go," Jason said.

Aiden gave me a teasing look while both Addison and Thea were smirking. Nathan was shocked while Finn looked like he was about to puke.

Finn did not talk with me the whole day. He was clearly not over the whole thing that had happened last Friday. I made a mental note to call him and enforce the notion that it was all okay.

"So we have plans later?" I asked Jason as I got inside the car and closed the door.

"I know you might be a little mad but I sort of did something without asking you about it," Jason began to say as he moved his hand through his hair.

"I thought that you would want to know about the whereabouts of your grandparents and I found out this place where we can get the personal data about people. So if you're up for it then we can go there," Jason stated.

"Yeah sure," I said while processing what he just said.

"We can go there around 5 then," he said and looked in my direction. I nodded as a reply.

After we went home, I was not much productive. With a clustered mind I had sat down to study but I dissipated entirely.

"Vianna are you ready?" Jason called from downstairs as the clock struck 5.
"Yeah I'm coming down in a minute," I answered back.

Putting myself together I descended down the stairs at a rapid pace. Jason was aware that I was getting anxious by every passing minute.
"Don't worry everything will be alright," he said and squeezed my hand to assure me.

We got inside the car and he drove to the mysterious place where he said that I would apparently get to know about my parents and grandparents. I did not suppose that any of it would turn out to be good. All I had to see was the extent of adversity that was yet to come.

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