Chapter 31

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The following days were full of incessant frantic activity. Most of the time was passed in school and at home we were exhausted to even move one limb. Nevertheless, all of it was worth the pain as both our girls and boys team had won enough matches to qualify for the semi-finals.

"We qualified," Aiden was screaming his throat out running around the field on the outer end. Excitement filled us all but we knew better than that. In the semi-finals both the boys and girls had to compete with one of the strongest teams in the tournament.

In the morning of Thursday, I turned off my alarm because I wanted to sleep a little longer. I knew that if I hurried up then I could get out from the house just in time, which meant that I could sleep for another half an hour. I at once took that opportunity for I was exhausted.

However, it was not long before a loud thud woke me up again.
"Don't you want to go today or what?" it was Jason who was shouting from the other side of the room.

I did not answer right away for which Jason began shouting again.

"Austin you will get us late. I will be leaving after fifteen minutes and if you don't want to go then stay home. It would be better for the other team obviously... The captain is missing wow," he kept yelling.

"I'm AWAKE," I shouted back with annoyance.

"Fifteen minutes," he said again before I heard his footsteps receding.

I began to move faster than a racing car. Within the time, I changed from my pajamas, braided my hair, brushed my teeth and had my breakfast.

"Let's go," I said just at the time we were supposed to leave.
"Wow you really moved fast," Jason stated the obvious.

In the morning of the semi-finals, in school, it was the first time when we had the look of tension. We had the taste of both the agony that would be caused if we lost and the joy if we won. However, we were all somewhat tensed at what the unprecedented future held for us.

The girls had their match first. Mr. Cruz had a full planned strategy. He had taken almost half an hour to explain all the intricacies to the players.

Our match was as normal as it could be. Both the teams played well albeit, ours won.

I had scored the last point making our girls' team win by 4 extra points. All of us were excited and were receiving hugs and greetings from everybody. After all we had reached the finals.

We were eying for the Champion's trophy.

As my fellow team members and I got out of the court and entered the dressing room, we saw that the boys were getting ready for their match.

They would begin to play in the next hour with the boys of Liberty High.
Along with Thea I went to join Aiden and Nathan in the corner of the room.

"You played like the champion," Aiden told me which made me grin at him.
"So will you," I affirmed.

"It will be a hard one. The Liberty High's boys are one of the strongest team this year," Nathan said capturing our attention.

"Bruh, we will see which team is the stronger one," Charlie, our friend said and patted him in the back before going.
"We just have to be confident," Aiden added.

The time passed by quickly and our coach, Mr. Cruz came in a bit earlier than the starting time of the match.

"The girls played extremely well and we are all so proud at them all," Mr.Cruz began.

"However, the celebration will not be fruitful if only half of the victory is achieved and all I have to say is that the Liberty High's boys may be strong but you are stronger," our coach continued and shouts erupted through the dressing room.

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