Chapter 11

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It was already Wednesday which meant that Reese would leave after one more day. With that distressing thought I woke up in the morning as the alarm went off. I went to school and as per he normal routine did all the classes.

During recess, at school, all my friends had interrogated me about Jason. They were aware that he had come to my place the previous night. Among them Addison was most shook when I had mentioned that Jason was nothing but a pain in the ass.

"Maybe he was just in a bad mood yesterday," she began to defend.
"Whatever it was the only thing that I'm sure of is that Jason will not be welcoming," I stated.
"Well he can go to hell if he wants to," Finn said as he took another bit from his sandwich.
"Provided he gets all the attention he will expect the same from you," Thea looked at me and began to say.
"But I'm not the one who will give him that," I finished her sentence.

"I'm sure he will not be even inside the house until late night," Nathan mentioned.
"Which is good because I'm not very excited by the fact that I will have to see his face every once in a while," I said, humor filling my voice. Hearing that all of them began to laugh.
"At least Livia seems to be a nice person," Thea said.
"Yeah, Livia is," I stated.

"If you ever see that Jason is disturbing you then all you have to do is run to Livia and complain about him," Addison added laughing.
"What am I? A five year old who runs to seek aid from the mother?" I chuckled.
"You may do that with your brother but Jason and Vee ain't siblings," Nathan joked.

It was a mundane day at school where nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen. As always the classes went on at the speed of a fat snail who was struggling to move forward. Meaning that the classes stretched out for long periods. Why does the weekend have to be so far away?!

"School is over. It's too sweet to be substantial," Aiden said when the last bell for the day rang which marked the end of school for the day.
"Did you just quote Shakespeare?" I asked while bursting out laughing.
"Here, I was thinking that Aiden only sleeps during class," Finn added in the middle of his chortle.

After school we all departed in our own ways. I took the bus and went straight home. As I reached I saw Reese engrossed by her work. 
"You still have to do work? Aren't you leaving in a day?" I asked surprised.
"No I'm seeing the details of my flight and stuff," she said sighing sorrowfully.

"So when is it?" I inquired.
"Tomorrow night," Reese stated and I stood there on the spot without moving.

I knew that she was leaving but as the time was approaching it seemed to finally hit me that she was ACTUALLY LEAVING.

"We will still be in contact right?" I asked, taking a seat next to her.
"We will darling. I will contact you as often as I can."
"What is the time period that you mean by often? A day, a week, month?" I questioned not knowing what to anticipate.
"I can't say that for sure but you have to understand that I will check up on you," Reese smiled looking at me but the smile did not reach her eyes as it usually did.

I concluded that it would be a long span of time after which she will contact me, just by the way she spoke. Reese was adamant about giving me any details regarding where she would go or her contact. I was not sure why she was doing that but I knew that I would not get the answer of what I was looking for. Hence, I ceased asking about it all together.

I showered with agility and wore the spare clothes that I had kept with me. Most of my things were already taken to Livia's place and my room was as barren as the desert.

It was during the evening when Reese and I began to talk about everything and not in the scattered manner that we have been doing. For hours straight we sat there on the couch beside each other and said everything with nothing but seriousness.

Reese told me how I would be doing everything; starting from everyday life things to how I would choose the university I want to study in. It was as if we were having the last conversation of our lives and it pained me because there was a possibility of it being the last conversation.

"You can trust Livia with all your heart Vee," Reese had mentioned.
"And I know she will take good care of you," she added.

"I will suggest you to stay with Livia until you go to your university. You will be more mature by then and you will be able to handle things the way it should be handled. On your 18th birthday Livia will give you the bank account details and transfer all the money under your name," Reese said.
"Money?" I was perplexed.

"Your parents had left a sum of money in a bank for your future use before they were gone," she stated. It was brand new knowledge for me. I did not know I had dollars kept in my name...
"I know you are smart enough to know money's worth."

Reese continued to fill me in with all guidance that I needed to live a life on Earth. It was one of the many things for which I was almost certain that she would be gone forever.

"If you ever feel lonely or scared or anxious, remember that it's only a matter of time before it goes away Vianna. Never ever let your inner anxiety rule over yourself. Most importantly, remember that life's road is never smooth. There will be several ups and downs but you will get out of all of it at sometime or another," Reese finished.

"You are not planning on coming back from wherever you are going right?" I asked as she finished. Without answering, Reese enveloped me to a hug and we stayed in that position for a long time.

"Always keep in mind that your parents and I have loved you more than you can ever know Vianna," she said, her breadth fanning against my neck.

"You are really wise like both of your parents. Always use the power of your wisdom and knowledge for the well-being of others. Never ever harm anyone and always remember to be polite and patient with everyone and everything. Patience is the key for you to thrive in your life." Reese pulled back enough so that both of us could see our faces.
"When the time is right Livia will tell you everything and you have to believe what she says," she added before kissing my forehead.

What would Livia tell me? In any other time I would have quizzed her regarding what she meant. However, then I was already going through enough breakdowns and did not have the enthusiasm to ask her about any of it.

Reese was giving me the lessons that I would be needing in my journey of life. Even if Reese decided on coming back it would not be anytime soon and I was well aware of that. Though certain things did not make sense to me at that moment I knew that Reese would have told me the hidden secrets if those could be articulated. She had declared that I would eventually know about it what I should know. She also mentioned that the time was not proper for her to let the cat out of the bag at that time.

Well, there was not much that I could do either way.

Thus, forgetting about the secretive part I focused on the things which were more important; Reese's presence and our supposedly last conversation together.


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