Chapter 23

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It was Friday and all of us friends were sitting by the fringe of the of school's field. Finn and Addison had free classes in the last period for which the rest of us thought that we would take the period off from playing.

We had to take permission from our coach, Mr. Cruz, but it was worth it as we got time to just sit, relax and give the rest our tired legs required. It was the final class of the week and all of us were by then exhausted. Our coach simply looked at our innocent faces and granted us the free time because he knew how hard we had been working since the past week.

"I like to play basketball but doing it all the time can become a little mundane," Nathan was saying as we were sitting on the soft grass.

"Whatever man it's better than sleeping in the classes," Aiden mentioned and began to laugh.

"It's only you who actually sleeps during classes," Thea teased him.

Aiden did not really have to worry about his grades because he already knew it did not matter for him. He initially got into sports so that he would get a scholarship for further studies after school. I must mention that he was the only child from a well established family. Aiden was one of those people who honoured knowledge but loathed studying.

"Have you guys heard about Kate's party?" Nathan inquired after sometime. Kate was one of our friends from class. That night she was hosting a party at her house and had invited us all.

"You all are going right?" Addison asked.
"Yeah she insisted that we come," Finn affirmed.
"She's an affable girl," I added.

"When does it start?" Aiden asked.
"Seven," answered Addison while still scrolling through her phone.

"One of you will have to pick me up," Aiden mentioned. It was decided that I would give Aiden the ride to the party and back home too as his house was on the way to mine.

After school we all went to our homes. It was not long before I had to leave again. Livia was at home that day and I told her that I was going out to a friend's house. She was fine by it and told me to enjoy my time out.

Afterwards, I picked Aiden from his home and both of us went to the party at Kate's house. We reached a little later than seven and entered the house which was extensively arranged for the party. The deafening music was in its highest crescendo which could be perfectly heard from outside the house as well. As we went inside we were greeted by several people, most of whom were from our class and were our friends.

Aiden was stopped by the other boys from our grade while I carried on moving forward to search for my other friends. As I entered the kitchen, I could discern Thea and Addison just by looking at them from the back. Both of them were talking with another one of our classmates. I approached them and before long all of us were dissolved in the party.

It was delightful to act like teenagers every once in a while and pretend that nothing else in the world mattered; to dance along with the music like maniacs with my friends and to enjoy. My friends and I were doing exactly the same. Though we were oblivious were the boys were, Thea, Addison and I were dancing like we never danced before. Addison was almost drunk while Thea and I both had a couple of drinks.

"Guys I need to use the washroom," Thea stated as we were on the dance floor.
"I need to use it too," Addi mentioned.
"Well then I'm coming too," I added in.

The three of us went upstairs in search for the washroom. Addison went in one while Thea went inside another. I was sauntering through the hallway until I saw Aiden and Nathan in the distance. Their way of talking almost seemed as if they were arguing with each other about something. 

I called them but they were unable to hear me because of the ear-piercing music which was reverberating through the area. I began to frolic my way towards them. However, when I heard the content of their talking I stood there dumbstruck not being able to move from the shock.

I was in close proximity to be able to hear them. Nevertheless, both the boys were oblivious to my presence.

"So what I like her? It's not that she likes me back. And I can do whatever I want," Nathan shouted at Aiden. 

"What do you think she is? A mind reader? How do you expect her to know if you don't tell her?" Aiden was as furious as Nathan.

"You don't know anything. Let me at least enjoy myself," Nathan yelled.
"All you are doing is sulking around," Aiden hissed. Both the boys were almost the same height and they looked at each other in the eye with fierceness as they spoke.

"You know you love Thea. Being despondent is not the answer," Aiden began to vociferate loudly.

"What do you know?" Nathan argued.
"At least I don't get deterred and timorous," Aiden added before turning. Aiden stood there as shook as I was. Seeing his expression, Nathan also turned his head to look at my way. At first, I thought that they were looking at me but it did not take me long to see that their frantic faces were focused behind where I was standing. 

Of course as it fate had it all prepared, right behind me was Thea. I was so engrossed by the scene in front of me that I did no even notice Thea come. I wondered if she heard all of it. 

The next second Thea rushed to he other side of the hallway. "She definitely heard it all," I thought to myself.

"It all happened because you decided to intervene in my fucking life," Nathan told Aiden, with a disgusted face, before he too took off. 

What the hell just happened?

We had absolutely no idea where either Thea or Nathan was after that moment. Addison had come out to see our state. She was tipsy and Aiden was not in a hearty mood for which the three of us went inside one of the empty rooms to just sit down. Aiden spilled the tea to Addison, who had sobered up a little by the time that passed.

Instead of enjoying the party the three of us were sitting there in a corner of a room being all depressed by the drama that had just happened. 

"If Nathan liked her then why did he reject Thea when she asked him out last year?" Addison pointed out. 

"First of all, Nathan says that he loves Thea. Second of all, he says that it was the only reason why he was afraid to ask her out," Aiden sighed. 

In the beginning of last year Thea had confessed that she had a crush on Nathan. At that time, Nathan made it pretty clear that Thea was just a friend. Thea was a strong girl and she never mentioned anything about it after the day when Nathan had humiliated her to the extent that we never saw before. Nevertheless, we all knew that she was hurt. It took weeks before both of them were able to talk freely. Amidst that situation the rest of us were forced to maintain a certain distance too. At that time, all of us were afraid that our friend group would split up and not remain the same as before.

"It was as if history was repeating itself, with the characters switched," I announced. The previous time, Thea told she liked Nathan and got hurt. That time, it seemed that it was Nathan who would get hurt. 
"I cannot agree more," Addison sighed. 

"Where is Finn by the way?" Aiden asked all of a sudden breaking us from our trance of thoughts. 
"Did I see him tonight?" Addison asked. 
"I don't remember," I stated. My nerves were already frayed and at that time all I wanted was to hop onto the bed and sleep.

"I think I'm going to go home," Addison announced and got up from where she was sitting. 
"Same," Aiden added. 

The three of us made our way through the crowded hallway into the living room to see that the people were still partying hard. They were dancing to a song which Margaret, our class's queen bee, was singing. Her broken voice was not something that people would pay to hear but at that time all the teenagers present there were seemingly having fun. 

"What the fuck!" It was Aiden who noticed it first. It took me few more seconds to actually comprehend if the thing I was hearing was true or was it just my imagination. However, when I fathomed the situation, I wanted to punch Margaret with all the force that I had.

She could not be just joking about it!

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