Chapter 8

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Livia walked me to Thea's house, which was not very far. Though I told her that I would be fine on my own, she insisted that she accompanied me. Following about 5 minutes of walking, we reached Thea's house and I got inside while Livia went back to the hospital. Nathan and Addison were both sitting in the living room and their eyes shoot up at me as soon as I came in sight. Thea, on the other hand, was not to be seen.

"Vianna are you alright?" Nathan asked, with concern marring his face, as he took my state. I had not seen myself on the mirror but I was certain that my cheeks and eyes were swollen because of the crying. My face was probably all pale and fluffy too. 

"Where were you?" Thea screeched as she came inside the room. However, as she looked at my condition her expression changed from an angry one to a softer one.

"Just name the person whose ass I need to kick," Nathan asseverated. All the three of them understood that it was a serious matter by the aura that I was giving out. Without speaking, I sat down on the sofa while my friends followed in pursuit. Addison knelt down in front of me while Nathan and Thea both sat, on the sofa, beside me.

"What happened?" Thea inquired again in a soft tone.
"A lot. My life's about to change," I said, honestly, which made them look at me skeptically.

I began to tell the conversation with Reese and then with Livia. In the next couple of minutes I told them everything that had occurred in the past few hours in a summarized version. All their countenance changed corresponding to the intensity of the story. As I had finished all of them looked at me as if I had grown another head. 

"You're not joking are you?" questioned Nathan.
"No you're not," he answered his own question when I looked at him with a serious face. He put both his hands up in his dark wavy hair, about to pull it. 

"Holy moly!" Addison sighed and got up from her sitting position to wander about the room.

"You are going to move in this week?" Thea asked with her eyebrows lifted up.

"Apparently yeah it seems like so," I answered while I rubbed my hands in my thighs as a sign of nervousness.

"How? Just how? You don't even know her," Addison, who was still pacing about the room, stated. She was moving so fast that her hair was bouncing up and down and her face held the same terror that I possessed.

"You are going to just move with Livia Carter, who until yesterday was your doctor," she mentioned again, not being able to believe it.

"And she will now act like what? Your guardian?" Nathan asked to which I nodded.
"Reese said that she will be my guardian until I turn eighteen," I stated.
"And after that?" Nathan inquired.
"After that we will see what happens," I said.

"What about Reese? Why can't she even say where she's going?" Addison inquired.
"I know as much as you do," I said while heaving a sigh.
"Why is she acting so suspicious?" Thea asked the question to which none of us had the answer to. 

We were all seated around the living room. All our heads were hung low and we were all pondering about the whole situation. It was after Thea's mother called us all for having dinner that we looked up for once.

During dinner, we engaged ourselves in small conversations mostly about what was about to happen. It was 9 o'clock and we were all seated in the dinning table talking when Addison screamed out of nowhere.

"Whaaaattttt?" Thea got up from her chair out of fright. Nathan began to choke on his food while I kept looking at Addison with wide eyes. Addison's bewilderment was evident.

"YouaregoingtolivewithLiviawhoisJason'smother," Addison shouted while she looked at me with her surprised countenance.

"What?" Thea asked.
"What the fuck are you even saying?" Nathan questioned, after he managed to stop coughing.

Addison repeated what she had just said but it did not make any sense even after she repeated herself for the fourth time.
"Addi you are literally gibbering and it doesn't make the slightest sense," I announced.

That time instead of telling us she immediately turned her phone to show us a picture. To look at what she was showing, Nathan took the phone from her hand, before I could see it.  

"It's Livia," he stated not catching on what Addison wanted to imply.
"Yeaaahhhhhh," Addison said using her high pitched voice.
"What about it?" Thea asked.
"It's Livia," Addison said again.
"Yeah we can see that dumbo," Nathan added sounding exasperated.

"It's Livia with Jason," she added while doing all sorts of movements with her hand.

"Jason who?" I tried to recall.
"Oh God!" Thea put her head on top of her hands.

"Jason Carter," Addison stated while looking at me with her widest eyes.

"That boy from Fords?" Nathan asked. As an answer Addison began to nod her head frantically.
"Jason Carter is Livia Carter's son," Addison said showing us the caption written below the photo.

With momma bear!

The picture had hundreds of likes and comments.
"You will move in with Livia, who is Jason's mother," Nathan said again as if he was just realizing it.

"Is it normal for me to feel intimidated by that fact?" I asked now sure about what I was supposed to feel about that. I knew that Livia had a son but did not know that the son was none other than Jason, the renowned and famed Jason Carter.

"This boy has thousands of followers on Instagram," Thea said who had joined Addison in checking his profile. 
"He is famous among people from other schools too," added Thea as she looked while Addison scrolled through her phone.
"Who is not when you are as hot as Jason and as charming," Addison stated the obvious.

"He's a player," announced Nathan.
"Which meaning of player are you indicating? Basketball or girls?" Thea asked.
"Both," chuckled Nathan.

"There are millions of boys in this world why did Jason have to be Livia's son?" I sighed. The only time I had met Jason was last Friday at school. That day when we were lined up in the court Thea had once told me to look over at Jason. I did exactly that but had an eye contact and I was intimidated by his formidable look just by that one glance. How was I supposed to feel comfortable living under the same roof as him? It was hard enough to begin to live in a different household, let alone with someone as intimidating as him. 

After dinner Addison and Nathan left around 10 o'clock. without wasting much time, Thea and I went upstairs to her room and prepared for going to bed without thinking much about the whole situation.

Before going to sleep, I had called Reese to say that I understood that she was not taking such rough decisions on purpose and that I loved her dearly. Reese affirmed that there was nothing to worry about. Consequently, she also mentioned that I needed to start packing my things the next day because she had to leave soon. It broke my heart to think that she would not be near but it was the harsh reality that needed to be faced bravely and not meekly.

The next day we had school to attend to too. It was only the weekend that had passed but so much have happened since the last time I went to school, the last time, that it seemed unnatural. Praying that everything goes accordingly, I went to sleep while struggling to put all the thoughts aside.


Stay tuned to know what happens next. Will be updating the next chapter within two or three days :)


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