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Over the past month or so, the Baker Street Trio has become quite popular with the press. You've been keeping Sherlock quite about all the useless gifts he's received, but this last one set him off. After helping Scotland Yard with a case, everyone had pitched in to buy a gift. Everyone except you, of course. They wouldn't let you know what it was and you knew why the second Sherlock opened it. They had bought him the hat. The hat that he hated ever so much.

Sherlock is now pacing around the flat yelling about the nicknames that have been placed on all of you.

"Boffin? Boffin Sherlock Holmes" he says with disgust as he throws down a paper in front of you and John.

"Everyone gets a tabloid nickname, I'll get one soon enough" John tries to comfort him.

"Page five, column six, first sentence"

John rifles through the pages and finds the column. "Bachelor John Watson? What the hell are they implying?"

You snatch the paper from John and scan it for your name.

And Sherlock Holmes' love affair, (Y/N) Lestrade.

"Love affair? Sherlock Holmes' love affair? I help solve these cases, but the press takes me for slag!" You shout, throwing the paper down.

"Okay, this is too much. We need to be more careful. Sherlock, you're not exactly a private detective anymore. You're this close to famous" John exclaims.

"Oh, it'll pass" Sherlock sighs.

"It better pass. The press will turn. They always turn. And they'll turn on you." John argues.

"They already hate me. I don't think it can get much worse on my end" you point out.

You and John ask Sherlock to take a smaller case this week, but of course, nothing goes your way.

You're running around the kitchen cleaning up after Sherlock as he makes a mess with his most recent experiment. John comes over with Sherlock's phone and tries to get him to take it. Sherlock pushes him away until John says two words.

"He's back"

Those two words send a shiver down your spine. You look over Sherlock's shoulder as he opens a text message.

Come and play.
Tower Hill
Jim Moriarty x.

You then look at your phone and find a similar text.

See you soon
JM x

You make your way over to Tower Hill, gripping tight onto Sherlock's hand. Cameras flash in your direction and some are focused on your intertwined hands. Inside Tower Hill, you watch the security tapes. Sure enough, there is Jim Moriarty breaking through the glass with a diamond and a fire extinguisher. On the glass, he has written "Get Sherlock" with a smiley face in the o.

You and Sherlock have been called to testify in court against Jim. You put in your most sophisticated looking outfit and tie your hair back in an elegant bun.

 You put in your most sophisticated looking outfit and tie your hair back in an elegant bun

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