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When you arrive at St. Bart's, Molly rushes up to you out of breath.

"Chlordane... I found trace amounts of chlordane in the tea." She shoves a paper cup in your direction. "Drink this"

You take the cup and look inside. It's filled with a cloudy black liquid. You gulp down the concoction and make a face.

"Bloody hell, Molly, what is this?"

"Activated charcoal. It's not proven to help, but it's our best shot."

You nod slowly and lean into Sherlock. The room starts to spin, so he sits you down in a chair by the table. Sitting down across from you, he watches you stare straight ahead.

"So, (Y/N), what do you think about the case?"

"What?" he breaks you from the trance. "Oh, well Mr.Ewart seemed nice. He should get out more."

Sherlock looks at you confused.

"No, that's the thing. He just got back from Columbia. The tan line was obvious. Even John would have noticed it."

"Well, I guess I just missed that" you respond quietly.

Everyone looks at you. You missing something is unheard of. John, yes, but you? Absolutely not. Molly finally breaks the silence.

"Confusion is a symptom of chlordane poisoning. I'm afraid she'll have to sit this one out."

Right as she finishes her sentence, the pink phone rings. Sherlock looks at it for a second, then answers it.

"The clue's in the name. Janus Cars." The same scared man from this morning comes through.

"And why would you be giving me a clue?" Sherlock asks irritated.

"Well seeing as your best detective is down for the count, it only seemed fair. Plus, I'm getting bored. We were made for each other, Sherlock."

"Then talk to me with your own voice"

"Patience" and that word is the last thing before the line, once again, goes dead.

John and Sherlock leave you in Molly's care while they go to speak with Lestrade. You sink back in the chair as Molly goes to get you something to eat. The door opens soon after she leaves and you turn to see who it is. You recognize the face, but your head is a little fuzzy from the poisoning. He saunters closer to you in a slick black suit and a smile plastered on his face.

"Hello, my snow queen. Did you enjoy the special brew I made for you this morning?"

Your hand starts to shake even more at those words. My snow queen  Not able to get any words out, you just sit frozen by fear.

"A bit disappointed to see you're not wearing my gift. This new coat, though, seems to be a gift as well. Have a thing for sociopaths do you?" He smiles as you try to muster up some words.

"Leave him alone" you manage to spit out.

"Oh, but where'd the fun in that be?" He turns to leave. "I'd say see you later, but I won't"

He walks back out the door and you're left alone. Molly finally comes back with a sandwich and some crisps and sets it down in front of you. You question her about passing a man in the hall, but she says she didn't see anyone. Brushing it off as an effect of the poison, you take a few bites of food and wait for your boys to come back to you. When they finally do, they take you back to the flat, and Sherlock sends you straight to bed. The night is full of tremors and occasional seizures, but Sherlock is by your side for each episode. He holds you in his arms and lulls you back to sleep.

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