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In the morning, you head to St Bart's with Sherlock. He sits in front of the small x-ray, looking at the inside of Irene's phone. Molly come in and looks at Sherlock confused.

"Is that a phone?"

"A camera phone" Sherlock corrects.

"And you're x-rating it?"

"Yes, I am"

"Well, we all do silly things," she brushes it off finally getting used to Sherlock's absurdities.

"They do don't they? Very silly" Sherlock grabs the phone and starts to guess the password again. "She sent this to my address and she loves to play games" he types in 221B.

The phone gives off a loud buzz and the screen flashes red. Sherlock angrily gives the phone back to your for safe-keeping and marches out of the hospital.

When you get home, you look around and notice something is off. Sherlock seems to notice too, as he walks over to the window to find it slightly open. He makes eye contact with you and you race toward the bedroom expecting Jim to be there again, but you are met with a different person you despise. Irene Adler is cuddled up on Sherlock's side of the bed. Rolling your eyes, you wake her up and give her some of your clothes to wear.

She meets you and the boys out in the living room.

"Who's after you?" Sherlock asks her.


"You're going to have to be a little more specific. I'm not in the mood for games" you snap.

"So you faked your own death in order to get ahead of them." Sherlock continues.

"It worked for a while" she confirms.

"Except you let John know that you're alive and therefore me and (Y/N)"

"Well I knew you'd keep my secret, still not sure about her though" she glared at you.

You start to stand up, but Sherlock places a calming hand on your leg. You sigh and lean back in the chair.

"Where's my camera phone?" Irene changes the subject.

"It's not here. We're not stupid" John answers.

"Then what have you done with it? If they've guessed you've got it, they'll be watching you."

"If they've been watching me they'll know that I took it to a safety deposit box at a bank on the strand a few days ago" Sherlock lies.

"I need it" Irene snaps.

"Well we can't just go and get it, can we?" John butts in. He devised a plan where Molly collects the phone, takes it to Bart's and one of Sherlock's homeless network could bring it to the flat.

"Very good John, excellent plan, full of intelligent precautions" Sherlock smiles.

John looks rather proud of himself until you pull a phone out of your bra. His face immediately falls and he sighs. You hand Sherlock the phone and get up to make some tea. Sherlock goes on to try to figure out the passcode. He hands Irene the fake phone and she types in four numbers. After Sherlock snatches the phone from her, you toss him the real phone from your back pocket. He types in the password and it comes back incorrect.

"Oh, you're rather good" Sherlock says softly.

"And you're not so bad" Irene replies.

You roll your eyes and pour your tea.

"Hamish" John interrupts. "John Hamish Watson if you were looking for baby names."

You pick up the closest thing and chuck it at John. That just so happens to be a spoon and it hits him square in the forehead.

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