The Final Problem

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When you leave Scotland Yard, Sherlock forces John into a separate cab from the two of you. In the cab, you sit in silence with your head on Sherlock's shoulder. You are on the verge of sleep when the screen in the back turns on and a familiar face flashes by. Moriarty tells the story of a Sir-Boasts-a-lot who tells such outlandish stories that all of his friends start to think he's lying. You think the message is over, but then his eyes look directly at you.

"Sir-Boasts-a-lot was in love with a beautiful snow queen. All this snow queen had dreamed was getting married and starting a family. She loved Sir-Boasts-a-lot, but knew he could never give her a happy family. The snow Queen left Sir-Boasts-a-lot at the alter and never turned back"

The screen goes back and forth between Moriarty and static until it just shuts off. Sherlock tells the driver to stop the cab. You both barrel out and Sherlock goes to ask the driver what happened. You catch a glimpse of the cabbie's face and it's Jim. He drives away leaving you and Sherlock in the middle of the street in shock.

A hand suddenly grabs yours and you both are pulled out of the way of an oncoming car. Sherlock goes to thank the man, but three gunshots ring out and the man is on the ground. Your hand goes over your mouth and you look to Sherlock who is about as shocked as you are. John's cab comes pulling up and he runs to the two of you. An ambulance arrives shortly after and takes the man away. John starts talking about something Mycroft showed him, but you are too in shock to even process his words. A man had just been murdered in front of you. A man that saved your life was just killed for no reason. John takes you back to the flat to try to calm you down and Sherlock follows.

John is making you tea while Sherlock is searching for a camera. The second he finds it, your dad comes marching into the flat.

"You want to take me to the station and my answer is no" Sherlock says as he turns to meet Lestrade. "the scream?" He asks and Lestrade nods. "Was it Donovan? I bet it was Donovan. Am I somehow responsible for the kidnapping? Ah, Moriarty's smart. He planted that doubt in her head. That little nagging sensation you got to be strong to resist. You can't kill an idea can you?" Sherlock refuses to go back to the station and Lestrade leaves.

You know he's just going to come back with a warrant, but at least this gives you time. John and Sherlock argue while you start to form a plan. If Sherlock is a fraud, then you must be too. They'd have to take you in as well and that's not what Jim wants. You phone buzzes and you see a text from your dad.

On the way now. Don't try to intervene.

You know this is a warning meant to ready you for when they get here. You inform John and Sherlock and run down the hall into the bedroom. You slip your hand under the mattress and feel around until you touch the cold hard metal. You pull out the gun and put it in your waistband. This arrest will not go down without a fight. The force arrives and they handcuff Sherlock. They start to take him downstairs, but you're blocking the doorway.

"If you're arresting him, you should arrest me too. I've been with him on every case, so if he's a fraud, I must be one too."

"(Y/N), get out of the way. This doesn't concern you" your dad pleads.

"If you won't arrest me for that, what about for attacking an officer?" You snap.

You grab Donovan, take the gun out of your waistband and hold it up to her head. The safety is still on, so she's in no real danger, but they can't not arrest you for this. John stands there with a slight smile seeing what you've done as an officer disarms and cuffs you. You walk outside behind Sherlock and are shoved up against a police car. Only a few minutes later, John is pushed up against the same car.

"Apparently it's against the law to chin the Chief Superintendent" he explains and you laugh.

You make eye contact with Sherlock to confirm you're on the same page. He smiles and nods, so you reach your hand in the car window and press a button on the radio that sends a high-pitched ringing through everyone's earpiece. During the chaos, Sherlock takes a gun from the car and pulls you and John away from everyone. He points the gun and orders everyone on their knees. They comply and John tries to clear things up by telling him that this was not his idea.

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