Christmas and ... scotch lots of scotch

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Christmas arrives quickly, but that doesn't worry you

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Christmas arrives quickly, but that doesn't worry you. You finished all your shopping in October and wrapped everything last night. What does worry you, though, is the fact that you are hosting. It is only Lestrade and Molly, but still. It's Christmas morning and you are scrambling around the flat trying to make sure everything is perfect. Sherlock watches as you run around with a grin on his face. When you walk by him, he snatches you and kisses you. You kiss back for a second then push him off.

"None of that tonight. My dad will be here." You warn him.

He pouts and lets you go. You've called Mycroft about eight times, asking him to come, but he keeps saying he's busy. You know that's just Mycroft for "I'll be sitting alone in front of the fireplace all night", but you give up and move on. You spend the rest of the day making some hors d'oeuvres and a few desserts.

Finally, the evening comes and people begin to arrive. First is Lestrade and when he greets everyone, you send Sherlock a warning glare. Then, Molly comes in in a cute black cocktail dress and you give her a big hug. She's the only girl you've got to talk to when on cases, so you've become pretty close. She's gotten over her Sherlock fascination, which makes the friendship much easier. You go into the kitchen to grab some wine and Sherlock follows. When you reenter the living room, John has a huge grin on his face.

"Ah ah ah, stop right there unless you want bad luck"

You follow John's gaze to the Mistletoe hanging above you and Sherlock. That was certainly not there earlier and you hadn't set it up.

"You'll have worse luck if you kiss my daughter, Sherlock Holmes" Lestrade threatens.

You bite your lip in thought for a moment. Then, you wrap your arms around Sherlock's neck and pull him down to your height. Your lips crash onto his and you feel him smile against the kiss. When you pull apart, Sherlock snakes his hand around your waist and your dad stands there in shock.

"When did... how long... what?" he manages to stammer out.

"Oh, I don't know what case was it, Sher?"

"The morning after the blind banker case"

A smile creeps its way onto your face when he knows the answer. Your dad moves closer to Sherlock until they are face to face.

"You hurt her and I won't hesitate to end you"

"I wouldn't dream of it" Sherlock repeats the words from the night you spent on the bathroom floor.

"Dad, Mikey already threatened him. I love him and he would never hurt me" You look at him with pleading eyes.

He takes a step back and you shoo him away. You scowl at John who is smiling like, well, a kid on Christmas. His plan had worked. You all sit down and give out gifts. You got John a nice pair of headphones (noise-canceling😉), your dad a new coat as he constantly complains about his current one, Mrs.Hudson a tea set, and Molly a purse. It was now time for you and Sherlock to exchange gifts. You hand him his first and he opens it slowly. Inside the small black box is a new watch with an engraving on the inside that very simply reads: 1432

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