The Visit

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John enters the flat to find you asleep in Sherlock's lap while he points a gun at the American hostage across the room.

"What the hell is happening?" John shouts.

His yelling makes you shoot straight up from your nap. Sherlock places a hand on your thigh to calm you down, so you sink back in the the couch.

"(Y/N) has been attacked by an American. I'm restoring balance to the universe." Sherlock responds calmly without taking his eyes off of his target.

You send John to go look for Mrs.Hudson and let her know that it's safe now. Sherlock takes out his phone and makes a call.

"We've had a break in at Baker Street. Send your least irritating officers and an ambulance... oh no no no, we're fine. It's the burglar, he's got himself rather badly injured. A few broken ribs, a fractured skull, suspected punctured lung. He fell out of a window." Sherlock hangs up the phone and tosses the man out the window.

This makes you chuckle and Sherlock smiles at you. He holds out his hand and lifts you from the sofa. The two of you stand outside in the flashing lights of police cars and you lean your head on his shoulder. Your dad makes his way over to the two of you and looks at Sherlock,

"Exactly how many times did he fall out of a window?"

"Just once" "Three or four" you both answer at the same time.

You bust up laughing and Lestrade looks disappointed. He walks away shaking your head and you make your way back into the flat. Sherlock sits in his chair and you crawl into his lap. He wraps his arms around you.

"You want one, (Y/N)?" John asks as he pours himself a drink.

"Yes" you say and Sherlock says no at the same time. You give him your best puppy eyes but he just gives you a stern look. "No" you sigh.

While John turns his back to put away the glass he had gotten you, Sherlock hands you Irene Adler's phone. Knowing exactly what he wants you to do, you discreetly hide it in your bra. No one would dare check there with both Sherlock Holmes and Jim Moriarty as your watchdogs.

"So, she's alive then. How are we feeling about that?" John asks when he returns to the room.

"Fine. I'm more concerned about someone else that's resurfaced." Sherlock responds squeezing your hand. John notice: how you tense up and realized who Sherlock is talking about. "He's been texting (Y/N)" Sherlock tells him.

"I'm probably just flipping out over nothing. He said he killed Irene and she's clearly alive so they're probably just empty promises. He's just trying to get to me" you play down the situation for both your sake and Sherlock's.

"Either way, you're not leaving my side. He's dangerous"  Sherlock orders and John agrees.

You roll your eyes at their overprotectiveness and kiss Sherlock on the cheek.

"Happy New Year, Sher" you mumble tiredly as you get up from the chair.

He holds on to your hand and gives you a soft kiss. "I'll be in soon" he says as he lets go of your hand. You bid John goodnight and walk off to the bedroom.

You sit down on the corner of the bed and take a deep breath. You practice breathing techniques to prevent a panic attack and close you eyes. Just as you begin to relax, a pair of hands start to massage your shoulders.

"Tense?" An Irish accent whispers breathily in your ear. "Don't scream. I'm not here to hurt you. We just need to have a chat"

You nod your head slowly and turn to face him. That face that has not left your mind is now in front of you. A pit forms in your stomach as his signature smile and dead eyes seemingly peer into your soul.

"After that little stunt the Americans pulled today, I will have eyes on you at all times,"

"Jim, I have a life. I can't have a sniper following me around." 

"THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU" he shouts and suddenly gets very angry.

You start to shake at his outburst and he grabs for your hands to calm you down. You tear your hands away from him and look away. He continues in a softer tone.

"I need you to be safe"

When you look back at him, he's gone. You start to cry and you're not sure if it's out of fear, anger, of just plain stress. Sherlock burst into the room and finds you on the bed, hugging your legs into your chest with tears streaming down your face. John follows him in with his gun drawn.

"He was here... he was sitting on our bed, Sher" you whimper.

"I know, I know. I could hear him yell"

John leaves the two of you alone and you just sit in Sherlock's arms. He combs through your hair while you attempt to pull yourself together.

"He said he'll be watching me. He said he needs me to be safe."  You explain.

"Well if he's watching, I hope he sees this so he knows he can't have you" Sherlock whispers in your ear.

His rough lips crash into yours and your lips immediately part allowing him to deepen the kiss. His tongue explores your mouth while you tangle your hands in his thick curls. After a while, you part to take a breath. You rest your forehead on his shoulder and your phone buzzes.

I'm sorry for yelling at you

And, yes. I saw that.

Sherlock reads the texts and snatches your phone out of your hand.


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