Making Announcements

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Three weeks pass and John is fully healed other than a small scar on the side of his head. He was ecstatic when he heard your news and has already bought a teddy bear. John, Mary, and Mrs.Hudson are the only other people that know. Sherlock has kept you inside and won't let you lift a finger. You wonder what he'll be like third trimester if he's already like this now. You've just now starting showing at 15 weeks. It's a small bump, but it's noticeable if you know how you looked before.

When you wake up, Sherlock is not in bed, so you assume he's making breakfast as he has for you almost every morning. You slip on a stretchy top and some leggings and throw your hair into a ponytail. The one great thing about pregnancy is you can look like death every day and no one can say anything because you're growing a person. You walk into the kitchen and Sherlock's not there so you wander into the living room. There you find your husband standing on the sofa in between to clients.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, how many time do I have to tell you, get off the sofa!" You turn to the clients. "I'm sorry about him. He just gets like this sometimes"

Sherlock looks at you with wide eyes and jumps off the sofa.

"Sherlock, dear, is this John's fiancée that you were telling us about?" The woman asks.

You look at Sherlock confused and he shakes his head.

"You were supposed to stay in bed until I brought you breakfast" he whispers through clenched teeth.

"Sher, I'm pregnant, not defective. I can still help with clients"

"Well, they're not clients. They're my parents"
He whispers before you both turn back to the two people on the sofa.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs.Holmes. I'm (Y/N), I've been very close to your sons for quite some time now" you shake both their hands with a smile on your face. "I met Mycroft while I was at the university and Sherlock when I moved in below him."

"Well, (Y/N) that's a lovely ring you've got there. How long have you been married?" Mr.Holmes asks.

"One year now"

"Oh dear, I'm sorry Sherlock couldn't be at the wedding since you two are close." Mrs.Holmes apologizes and you stifle a laugh.

You look to Sherlock and he nods giving you the go ahead.

"Actually, he was there" they give you confused looks. "He couldn't miss his own wedding"

You wait cautiously for their reactions. They both turn to Sherlock.

"You got married and didn't tell us?"

Sherlock sits down and explains the entire situation. They are very understanding and accept you straight into the family.

"Now, I'm expecting grandkids from one of my boys" Mrs.Holmes teases.

You smile at Sherlock who seems irritated. He's surely heard that hundreds of times.

"Well, you're in luck. I'm 15 weeks along"

Your mother-in-law jumps up and gives you a hug. You chat for a little longer until Sherlock forces them out.

John comes in soon after they leave and Sherlock explains the case Mycroft has given him. Lord Moran, minister for overseas development has been working for North Korea since 1996 and has recently been acting strange. He boarded an empty train and never got off. He simply gets on the train and then vanishes from the cameras. Seven carriages leave the station, but only six arrive at the next stop.

After a long while of looking at maps and tube lines, Sherlock figures out that there's going to be a bomb underneath the Palace of Westminster. They both order you to stay in the flat and have Mrs.Hudson keep you occupied. Your eyes are glued to the news on the telly watching for anything about parliament or Westminster. An hour passes and you try to call Sherlock. It goes straight to voicemail, so you try John and get the same thing. You are about to call your dad when Sherlock finally comes in the door.

"You are not going on another case without me.  I get too worried and it's not good for the baby. I'm not staying home until I'm too pregnant to run" you say as you hug him.

"If you're coming on cases, you might want to tell Lestrade about the baby"


"Tomorrow" he agrees.

The next day, the press is gathered outside and friends are inside. Everyone wants to know what happened last night. You're about to go and greet your guests with Sherlock when he gets a call from Mycroft.

"Sherlock, please, I beg of you, you can take over at the interval. You can even bring (Y/N) just get me out of here." You can here the music of Les Mis in the background of the call.

Mycroft had promised to take his parents to see the musical and is currently seriously regretting that decision.

"Oh, I'm sorry brother dear, but you made a promise. Plus, I can't bring her. I don't want her out and about with the baby"

"The what?"

"Goodbye, Mikey" you take the phone from Sherlock and hang up.

You join everyone in the living room where Mrs.Hudson and Mary are talking about wedding plans. Your dad gets up from his seat and comes to hug you.

"(Y/N), I haven't seen you since you got back. You could stand to visit you know." He pulls back from the hug and looks you up and down. His eyes very obviously stops on your stomach. "Are you..."

"15 weeks, you ready to be a grandpa?"

"Is this what you want? You have options you know."

"Yes, dad. We're happy"

He gives you another hug and goes over to Sherlock and pats him on the back.

John pulls you and Sherlock aside to tell you that it's time to go outside. Facing the press is your least favorite part about being back. The first time you were out in public, you ring was on the front page of every newspaper. It's exhausting.

You take Sherlock's hand, and walk out the door with John close behind. Cameras flash and recorders are shoved in your faces. No one dares to ask about the bump, but you notice some of the cameras focused on your stomach instead of your face. Sherlock squeezes your hand and begins to tell the story.

A/N: I have been updating like crazy lately because I'm on break and bored. I hope y'all are okay with such frequent updates. The next chapter will have quite the time jump to John and Mary's wedding in May. That's the next episode, so it still follows the right order, they just jump from November to May for some reason.
Love you guys!

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