Don't Leave Me

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A/N: I was going to make this chapter smut, but then I dropped my bagel upside down on my computer. I'm taking that as a sign from God to not write smut. TBH smut from a 16 yr old virgin was not going to be good anyway, so I have saved you from reading that. So just so you know, this chapter takes place after sex. (yes you were safe. No need to worry about a bunch of little Moriartys running around).


Suicidal thoughts and actions

Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255


The two of you fell asleep in each other's arms. It was only noon, but it felt good to take a break from your chaotic life.

You wake up to a phone buzzing on the nightstand. You lift your head from a sleeping Jim's chest and roll over to see what it was. Jim's phone is on with a text notification on the screen.

Hey, should I expect your company today?

-Irene Adler

You aren't meaning to snoop, but seeing that text causes your mind to race. Desperate for answers, you look up this woman. A Twitter page pops up and what you see causes your breath to hitch. The page is filled with compromising pictures of men and women and you even find that she broke up a marriage. Tears well in your eyes and slam the computer closed. This wakes up Jim and he sees you with your jaw clenched and a tear falls from your eye.

"Love what's wrong?"

He shimmies on his pants and makes his way over to you.

"Get out!" You scream. "Get out get out get out! I never want to see you again! I love you and you played me! Was I not enough for you? You just had to go to another woman"

You shove him out the door while he only has his shirt half-buttoned and no shoes. He stops and looks at you.

"(Y/N), dear, give me a chance to explain"

"You lost that right when you lied to me, you ... you fuck head!" You throw a shoe at him and he turns to leave. You throw the other shoe out the door and collapse to the floor in your kitchen. You hug your knees and let your head hang down.

"Fuck head? That doesn't sound good?"

John peeks his head in the door and finds you on the floor. He rushes up to you and squats down. He lifts your head so he can look you in the eyes. There are tears streaming down your face. His hand cups your face and his thumb wipes the tears from your cheek.

"Let's take you upstairs and get this sorted out." He says in a calm voice.

He picks you up bridal style and you bury your face in his shoulder staining his shirt with tears. He places you gingerly in his armchair and goes to make you a cup of tea. You curl up in a ball and wipe your tears with your sleeve, but they just keep coming. John sets the cup of tea down on the coffee table and takes your hands in his.

"Do you want to talk about it?''

You shake your head softly and he nods understanding. He gets up, kisses the top of your head, and steps into the kitchen to make a call. You can still hear the conversation even through the raging headache.

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