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You wake up in Sherlock's bed which is now practically yours as well. Sherlock is asleep next to you, so you get up carefully as to not wake him. Making your way out to the living room, you find John sitting in his chair on his computer. He looks up when you plop down in Sherlock's chair.

"How's your head?"

"Hurts like hell, but I'll get over it."

Just then a shout comes from down the hall.


You roll your eyes and both you and John head toward Sherlock's shouts. When you open the door, he's on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"How did I get here?"

"Well, I don't suppose either of you remembers much, you weren't making a lot of sense, and (Y/N) was out cold. Oh, I should warn you, I think Lestrade filmed you on his phone. No worries, he didn't come into the flat at all" John informs both of you.

If Lestrade had seen that you have moved into Sherlock's room, he would have thrown a fit. Sherlock stumbles up from the floor and begins pacing and searching the room.

"Where is she? The woman, that woman"

You cross your arms and purse your lips. Of course, he asks about her. Not, how your head is or what happened. He wants to know about her.

"Irene Adler? She got away, no one saw her." John responds confused.

Sherlock continues to look around the room.

"She wasn't here, Sher. I was next to you the whole time. Just let it go" You say through clenched teeth.

He ignores you and looks under the bed as if she were hiding there. John picks him up off the floor, buts him in bed, and leaves you with him. You start to follow him but pop your head in the door before closing it.

"I'll be just outside if you need me" you coo.

"Why would I need you?"

That question is like a stab to the gut. You slam the door closed and lean against it for a moment. A single tear falls down your face. You wipe it off and march to the door.

"I'm going out. I might come back tonight, I might not." you bark at John and walk out the door.

You wander around the streets of London for a while, not knowing where to go. If you go to your dad's you would have to explain why you're upset, so that's not an option. There are very few people who actually know about your relationship, which makes this so much harder. Instead of making a decision, you buy a pack of cigarettes, lean against an old building and take a long drag. After thinking for a while, you wander into a bar. You order four shots of tequila and knock them back quickly. Guys come by and hit on you, you do some more shots, eventually, you can barely stand, so you lean on the bar with your elbows to steady yourself. You are about to order another drink when a guy comes up behind you and grabs your ass. You whip around and punch him in the nose. He staggers back and you swipe his feet out from under him. People have gathered around the scene of you now standing with your foot on his chest and the gun from your coat pointed at his crotch.

"Try that again, I dare you"

Someone had called the police because you can now see the flashing lights outside. A familiar face comes in the door and stops when he sees you.

"Hi dad!" you wave at him with the gun in your hand.

The gun is quickly taken from you and handcuffs are slapped on your wrists. You're shoved in the back of your dad's car. By the time you arrive at Scotland Yard, it's already light outside. You had gotten out of the handcuffs in the car and tossed them up to the front seat. You are sitting in Lestrade's office with bloodshot eyes and an awful headache. Lestrade comes in and explains that you're off the hook with the law because the man had assaulted you, but you are most certainly not off the hook with him.

"What in the hell were you thinking? Getting plastered and beating someone up all at three in the morning?" he shouts.

You wince at the loud noise and you hang your head like a kid in the principal's office. Finally, your posse of men (John, Sherlock, and Mycroft), arrives. They all come rushing into Lestrade's office with varying looks of concern and anger on their faces. Sherlock's is the most concerned out of all of them.

"Yes I know, what was I thinking, how could I be so stupid, blah blah blah. I've already heard it. Can I please just get some Advil and go home?"

Now, John looks at you sympathetically, knowing exactly why you went out at all, Mycroft looks furious, and Sherlock. Well, Sherlock hugs you.

"I'm sorry. John told me how horrible I was acting and I didn't even realize it. Forgive me?" He whispers so only you can hear.

You hug him back letting him know that you accept. John and Sherlock take you home and you sit on the sofa with Sherlock for most of the day. You hardly wanted to move. After you fall asleep on the sofa, Sherlock picks you up and carries you to bed. He falls asleep with his arms wrapped around you and his chin resting on your head. If it were up to him, he would never leave this position.

A/N: Hello, darlings! This chapter was mostly just filler so that you and Sherlock could make up. I'll probably post again tomorrow if I don't again tonight. Love you guys!


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