Part 13

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I wake up to the hospital.

I slightly open my eyes.

" My babies!! Hello? "

I freak out

" Shh Shh, calm down they are okay! "

Its Cameron Dallas, the father of my two baby girls.

I felt so confident around him.

Unlike Matthew

I felt like he went from a good boyfriend to the guy who will hate me forever yesterday.

Cameron rubs my stomach and kisses my lips.

It got awkward.

I'm not in love with Cameron.

I'm in love with Matthew!

" You never told me! I'm being the father of two young girls! My daughters! "

" I bearly knew yesterday. "

" Veronica & Valerie Dallas! " he smiled and rubbed my stomach.

" I- I want to know where is Matthew! "

" Do you want to see him? He's out waiting for you we all wanted to see you and the monitor showing us the babies so in a couple of minutes we are gonna be called here. "

" Did you guys work it out? " I fake a smile

" Sort of, he is still mad at me though. "

" I would like to see him, after you tell me why you raped me! " I whispered the last words.

" First things first ( I'm the realest ( he mumbled) haha ) I'm sorry! And second, I just felt like I wanted to have a little fun. I didn't mean to get you pregnant! And lastly at least I will now be happy to announce, I'm going to be a dad! "

I drop my eyes, " Having sex and getting someone pregnant, is what you call fun? And guess what, No! I- I've decided to make Matthew happier I will have to abort these... " I cried out

No, I didn't want to!

But I felt like now all the boys think I hook up with everyone!

I don't!

" No- no please!! Don't hurt me like this! "

Cameron was crying.

His eyes were red and he was sobbing. He looked sick.

" Cam, see I don't want to but - "


" I said I didn't want to but I will because, you hurt me! And I now I'll hurt you. I didn't want you and didn't expect you to be the father of my babies someday! I want Matthew now please! "

My heartbeat went slower. I don't feel good.

" Leave me alone! Cameron, call Matthew in please! " I say.

" Fine, just please don't abort Ver & Val Dallas! "

I roll my eyes.

He wipes his tears away and opened the door.

I took out my phone which I haven't used in so long!

I see 26 missed calls and 52 messages.

Oh my gerd!

They are all from Gage and some from Mom.

There is one that stands out.

How did she? Wow? When did she-?

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