Part 15

33 2 0

Little reminder I have over 345 reads!!

I'm like so happy I thought I would have like 10 or 7 reads to be honest!

I love you guys!!


" Jen? "

I hear someone yelling outside the door.

Anthony and Jenn were at playlist for 3days so they weren't here with me

I open one eye

" m- Matt? " I say in a sleepy voice

The door opens

" Jen, I commit suicide.. "

I panic and sit up with my eyes widely

I see Cameron standing there.

" Wh-What?! "

He rolls up his hoodie sleeve demostrating me his bloody wrist.

Tears stream down my face.

I get off my bed and walk over to him.

I kiss his cheek

" Cam, Cameron? "

I whisper on his ear

" Ye-Yes?" His sobbing inturrups his words.

" Promise me its the first and last time you'll ever do this! "

" I - I do. I sw-swear and prom-promise too.. "

'I hug him and cry on his shoulder.

It can't be..

I was so close to loose a friend who is like my second brother.

Why would he?

Then the door opens up again.

Revealing Nash, Matt & Carter

" What's going on here??! "

Matt yells in anger

Cameron looses his grip on me and wipes away his tears fastly

" N-nothing Matt! I probably can tell you later okay? "

He walks over probably not even listening to my words.

His fist Cameron on the jaw.

" Matthew!! No, no, no!! Stop! "

I walk in front of him and Nash tries to calm down Cameron while Carter grabs hold of Matt too.

" I hate you Cameron! First you get my girl pregnant! And now are you trying to have sex with her?! Huh! " Matt yells

Camerons jaw clenches

" Shut up you wimp! " Cameron replies

" Hold up!! " Nash screams

" Shhh, guys shut up! People can hear us! Anyone can dash into the door right now! "

" She's right! But Jen you need to stop and realize every time you and Cameron hook up, Matt gets hurt! Just stop being a whore! " Carter whispers

His words hurt me

I don't hook up with Cameron

Tears fall down my cheeks I loose power

" Jennifer and I weren't hooking up! Stupid Carter! "

Cameron released from Nash's grip and runs to me.

He hugged me really tight

" shh, Jen shhh, you'll be fine. I promise. " he whispers in my ear.

" Get the fuck away from her Cameron! " Matt yells

" Shut up Matt! " Nash says

I can't help this anymore but run

I dash out the door into the front gate

" Ma'am were are you going? " a young boy says.

He looked like security or something

" Fresh air, if you excuse me, I'm going outside! "

I open the door and run into the front parking

I take a sit on the sidewalk

I take out my phone

3:17am, my phone reads

I then go back to my messages I didn't finish reading last time

I remember I say this new message with an unknown number it was like +1(619) 678 0027

( p.s idk if that number exsists, just go with the flow )

I touch the unknown message

Unknown - Hello little whore!

Unknown - Have you already noticed you are a slut?

Unknown - Matt doesn't deserve you!

Unknown - Like I said once, if I see you talking to Matt well God knows what will happen next!

Unknown - Better be wise, goodbye!

Unknown - Answer slutty bitch

Was this Alexia??

Oh my

How did she get my number?

But what I should really be noticing is that Matthew doesn't deserve me.

I was becoming a slut

I'm not ment to live.

I'm not needed..

I put my phone in my pocket and jog up to the street

This is it.

Alexia and Matthew will forever be happy

I see the traffic

I close my eyes and start running



Oh snap!

Alexia or??

Next chapter will be up in a few!!

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