Part 19

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Days later -

Jennifer POV:

Well we enter to school from vacations in four days.

That means its Thursday today.

I really want to adjust things with Matthew and Cameron before I'm all alone.

I mean I love Matthew but I have feelings for Cameron too.

I got a text from Erin

She's one of the girls I usually pair up with in p.e

Erin: party at 9pm

Erin: things get quite exciting

Me: where at?

Erin: my house

Erin: tell Gage to bring you, he knows where at

Me: can I take Matthew?

Erin: I don't care as long as the party gets loaded

Me: till then

Erin: ttyl

I then text Matthew

I'm actually excited about this party

I can't wait

Me: Matthew wanna go to a part tonight?

Me: Erin's house

Matthew: sure

Me: I have to ask Gage to take us

Matthew: no

Matthew: I can pick you up

Me: oh, do you know where she lives?

Matthew: yes

Me: okay, bye

Matthew: wait, what time does it start?

Me: 9pm sorry

Matthew: ok till 9 love

Me: love you

I decide to call Megg so she can take me to the mall to buy a dress for tonight

I need to make this night perfect

I haven't really been out with Matthew

Like ever

Megg picks me up and we go to a dress store

I find two that look worth a million dollars

One is a medium short, white, no sleeves and heart shaped cut on top

The second one really short, it is grey, long sleeves and has a whole in between. It shows cleavage.

I pick the grey one

I hope Matt likes it

We leave and Megg drops me off at my house

Its now 6pm

I take a shower and change into some stay at home clothes

I'll wait until 8:40 then I'll change

I head downstairs and get some sun chips

I walk to the theathre room and began watching, The Katy Perry Movie

She's just perfection

I then fall asleep

Ring ring ---

I wake up quickly and see my phone vibrating

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