Part 17

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" beautiful.. "

" wake up love "

I hear some whispering

I sit up and look around my surrounding

" Hello! " Matthew says

" Morning babe. "

" Morning love! "

I smile.

Matt makes me happy, he really does.

" We are leaving today, do you want me to pack for you or? "

" No Matthew, I'll pack my stuff. "

" Okay, I packed my stuff already so I'm going out to get us some breakfast and I'll be back in a few. "

" Where? "

" Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, McDonalds, or IHop? "

" They all sound good! "

" Okay. "

He kisses my forehead gently and leaves the room.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom.

I wash my face and brush my teeth.

I walk out and grab one of my favorite outfits.

I chose some black leggings and a really short crop top

It says, " Flawless Unlike U "

After I'm done picking out my clothing I hop into the shower

Feeling warm water brush my back and smelling the scent of Fruits from my Shampoo

Once I'm done, I get ready put some converse on and brush my hair.

Wavy hair, ugh!

I blow dry it and then straighten it quickly leaving no trace.

Then I start packing up.

In the middle of me packing up I get a message.

Unknown: Los Angeles?

Unknown: I'll see ya there

Unknown: Or may I say, I'll see Matthew there

Unknown: Just understand he likes me, not you!

Why! Why does she hate me so much? Its not like I've done something to her so she can hate me forever!

I don't reply.

I continue packing up

I just really have the thought in my mind of Matt and I.

I stand up to look out the window


What am I seeing here!

I can't believe it, its true!

Matthew doesn't like messes like me.

Matthew is in front of his car kissing this blonde all over her face..

I should of listened to Alexia..

I run to the bathroom with tears all over me.

I grab a razor..

One cut.

Two cuts.

Three cuts.

Four cuts.

Five cuts.

Six cuts.


Matthew's POV :

I have arrived from buying breakfast.

I get off my car and seeing a stampee of girls coming towards me.

I'll say hi!

When they all get pictures with me, and talk to me for a while they all leave.

I'm locking my car and suddenly a blonde comes towards me.

" Hey.. " she says

" Hellow! " I smile.

She then rubs her face all over me

I freak out and open my eyes causing it to look like I'm kissing her back.

Which I'm not!

I see Jen looking over us from the window.

Oh no!

I tug away from her

" Matthew.. "

" Shut up! I don't even know you! I have a girlfriend! Now scaddadle. "

She rolled her eyes and leaves

I run towards the gate and thru the elevator

Please I hope Jen understands me..

The elevator stops and I run out.

I open the door and don't see Jen.

" Jenny? "

" Babe, where are you? You don't - "

" Matt.. I'm sorry "

The bathroom door opens

Revealing my beatiful love.

And some blood..

" Matt, I - I "

" Jennifer.. Babe! How could you? "

I pull her into a hug and tighten her softly.

" I still love you!! I really do! " I say

" But who would love a girl who cuts herself? " she says shyly

" Easily, I loved you before and I will love you forever and always. "

" No Matt you don't! "

" How come you holler those words at me out of nowhere? "

" You first judge me and say I hook up with Cameron which I don't! While you are the one who hooks up with that freakish blonde! "

" Wait what?! I don't ev- "

" No Matthew its over! I quit being a nightstand for you! I just can't believe you.. "  Jen says while changing out of a crop top to a long sleeve

" I didn't do anything!! She came up to me and kissed me! " I yell

" Matthew sorry, we are over.. "

She gets her luggage and keys, heads out the door and slams it.

I'm ruined

What am I without her?

I love her so much, I will always love her..

Jennifer's POV :

I can't believe Matthew thinks I didn't see him running his face all over the stupid blonde!

" Matthew sorry, we are over.. " I say heading out and slamming the door

I love him a lot. Or should I say I loved him a lot?

** Ohhhh snap!!! What will Matt do to get her back? Or will he just let her go?!! Thanks y'all for reading love u guys infinite!! **

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