Part 32

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yo yo im back and fresh as always ( kidding ) 


( warning : gets a little , little graphic twoards the end )

i get out of the shower and get dressed 

i put on a black and white squared skirt, a black halter top, a loose demin washed jacket, some black high heeled booties, and placed my black sunglasses in my head 

i kinda curled the tips of my hair and lastly curled my eyelashes and put on some winged eyeliner

i sat down and texted matthew 

' you know i actually didnt hook up with Shawn right? i was playing with u. i love you ' 

it was around 7:52pm and i heard a honk 

i grabbed my black long strap purse and phone 

i quickly ran out and saw Cameron's car 

I got in, sat down, and said " Hi. " while I faced him 

he faced me at the same time and we both acidentally kissed each other 

" oh. im so so sorry. " i said out of breath 

" its fine. not going to lie though. that was the best kiss i've gotten... " 

i spun my eyes " Shut the fuck up jerk. " 

" Jen. Calm down. " he said as he placed down his hand slowly on my thigh

" remove your hand off of me now. " i commanded 

" damn. " 

" we are going to have some dinner than do a little something after. " 

" fine. " i said 

we got into this fancy fod place and we had reserved seats 

i felt like Cam had actually planned this already which felt awesome 

Cameron pushed a chair out for me and i sat down 

" Thanks. " 

i ordered some lemonade and cameron ordered some sprite 

I pulled out my phone 

Matt had replied 

' fine but can i come visit u? i'm home alone. ' 

i replied back ' actually im at dinner with a friend ' 

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