Part 3

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      The tall blonde grabs me by the hair and wraps her hand around my throat.

" Listen to me! If I dare see you again talking to Matthew you will regret it. I know we don't know each other that well but i can already tell your gonna be the biggest slut around here, trying to get any boy to like you! So like I said talk to Matthew again and I'll kick your ass. "

       My throat had a big lump in it and I couldn't breath well

It felt dry swallowing a big pill

I could feel my arms with no power and my eyes shutting down

I didn't know what to do I was scared.

" See you later bitch! " and she finally let go of my throat.

      I had tears running down my face I felt like I had a really tight choker necklace on preventing me from breathing

I ran my hand over my throat it hurt really bad

Once I got to my second class everything was rubbish

I was glad the tall blonde freak wasn't there.

 I was even more frustrated once we got to lunch. I didn't see my brother.

" Jen! " I heard Gage's voice. He waved at me and then said, " Come over! "

As I was walking to him I felt like I was going to faint.

Then I sit down next to my him.

" This is my sister, Jennifer. "

I look up and see a lot of girls and boys stare at me.

" Hi " I said shyly.

" She's so beautiful. " I heard someone say,

I look up to see Matthew sitting across me.


This can't be I look down and try to concentrate.

" Are you okay? " I heard my brother whisper.

" I'm alright I just forgot I.. I need to just go somewhere. "

I lied.

I stood up and didn't know where to go.

I just walked to the bathroom.

I then heard jogging behind me.


Its her

I cried inside.

I walked even faster.

Then suddenly someone stops me by my shoulder and stands in front of me.

I close my eyes begging for it to not be the blonde freak.

Then a tear falls down my cheek.

" Jennifer, where ar- Why are you crying?! "

its Matthew.

I try to ignore him.

" Talk to me. "

I wish I could but I couldn't

I didn't want him to even look at me.

but I spoke up.

" I can't talk to you Matthew, I will get hurt again. "

I take my hair out of my neck and take off my jacket.

I showed him my bruise around my neck.

" Who did that? " he yells

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