Part 21

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- " Skylynn, how old are you? "
- " Five! "
- " Your not five... "
- " Yes I am. "
- " Your not -"
- " Yes! I am!! "

Nash vine yo'

So I started typing this but I fell asleep and the moment I woke up everything was deleted so I guess you'll have to stick around for this one..

(( two days laterrrr #jennsbirthday ))

I woke up to smelling pancakes

I turn to face Matthew but he's not there

I stood up and walked to the kitchen

" Hey goodmorning guys, have you seen - "

" Hey! Its me. Sorry I woke up early to prepare breakfast for the birthday gal! "

" Oh my! You remembered? Matthew you remembered! "

" Yeah! Now jump onto me, give me a hug. "

I position myself back so I can run up and jump onto him

" Go! "

He says

I run up and jumped up

He spun me around like a little kid and kissed my cheek

" I love you Matthew. "

" I love you more. "

He says into my neck

I got off and sat on a chair

" So today, is going to be pretty interesting! We from here are leaving to your moms house and then my parents scheduled something for both of us so that's a surprise, and from there we can go to the beach or whatever's better for you. "

" Oh, that sounds great. But what did your parents schedule for us? I thought we were.. "

Just in that moment both Matthews parents walk in the kitchen

His mom held two slips and his dad held a big hot pink box that read - Victoria's Secret®

" How's the birthday girl doing? "

matt's dad speaks up

" Hahaha, Goodmorning guys. I'm doing fine. "

" Happy birthday sweetie! "

Matt's mom says into our hug

" Thanks guys! "

I say

" So this is for both of you. We scheduled up for a dinner night for two. "

" Oh! This is so cool. "

" And Matthew invited his sister over to help him shopping for you. Basically this is yours from Matt. "

" Matthew, aww! Thanks so much. Y'all didn't have to. "

" Well why wouldn't we? Your very welcomed home anytime. "

" Thanks so much. Its so thankful of you guys. "

" Did Matthew tell you about your mother? She wants you in by this afternoon before dinner and then vice versa. "

Matt's dad says happily

" Yeah actually he told me all. "

" Sounds okay. "

" Mom, we are going upstairs for a bit. I made breakfast for you guys so enjoy! I'm taking Jen out for breakfast so if you excuse us? "

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