Part 4

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Matt's POV:

   What have I done?

I saw Jen go upstairs and all I just wanted is come here because of her.

I texted Gage and told him how I was catching feelings for her.

He said if he would have to choose a boyfriend for her, he'd choose me.

I don't want to tell her though.

I feel like she's not gonna feel the same and feel weird around me for the rest of our lives.

I also loved kissing her on her neck I couldn't ask for anything else but her.

I could tell she liked when I kissed her neck.

But now I feel like she got creeped out after I entered her house.

Her eyes, her contagious smile, her laugh, her heart, her body, her just her.

She's perfect and I've never felt in love so hard.

Gage's POV:

    After Matt texted me asking me if he could come over just to hang with Jen I knew there would be a connection.

I felt like Jen was in love.

I felt like Matt couldn't continue without her so I had to do something.

I turned off the big plasma TV and told Matt to come with me upstairs to the living room.

Jen was in her contact glasses watching TV.

She took them off really quickly as soon as she saw Matt come in.

She hates when people see her in her contact glasses.

I heard Matt moan and whisper,

" Put them back on you look beautiful. "

I laughed and Jen looks at us with a confused look, I hope she heard that.

" Sit next to her dude. " I whisper to Matt.

After he hears me he runs over to her and jumps next to her.

I sit a little away from them so they can have a little more confidence.

Then we all start watching Friends, one of Jen's favorite shows.

After a while I can see Jen is falling asleep and Matt is on his phone.

Jen rests her head on matt's shoulder and Matt kisses her head.

I get out of the living room  and into my room.

I see paint on the floor and decide to paint all my room blue and one wall green.

After I'm done I go back to the living room and see Matthew laying down face up, and Jen on top of him face down with her head on his chest.

I shake Matt's shoulder so he can wake up and leave since its 9pm already.

He slowly opens one eye.

" Matt its already 9pm you should probably go home. "

Matt shakes his head.

" No no, I want to be with Jen, pass me my phone. "

I huff. " Matt its Monday, there's school tomorrow. "

Matt smiles.

" You're right. "

he slowly tries to take Jen out of his chest and stands up.

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