Part 30

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matt and i had entered this cafe

i liked it because it was hidden and lonely

noone really was there

we both picked out our drinks

" Ok so explain to me what - " he began

i just couldn't help it

i stood up and reached to his face

i cupped his face with my hands and kissed his lips

" sorry i had to do that. continue. "

he smiled then started talking again

" cameron . what happened between you two , minutes ago ? " 

" he came over, i didn't invite him at all . matt , he was convincing me to break up with you and - " 

" wait woah . what ? " he seemed confused

" - and then he mentioned how devestated he still was from me and the abortion thing . i know it hurt him but i'm too young to carry twin babies . im too young for kids , i should be living life while im a teenager - " 

" i thought we were over that abortion thing . i don't even want to hear that word again jen . " 

" look i know but let's focus on the other part. cameron tried to have sex with me that moment after i tried to kick him out . he said he could do me better - " 

" i'm like about to - Oh Thanks! " 

        matt said while the waitress gave us our drinks 

" babe . i didn;t want to make you frusturated about this. i just didn't know what to do - " 

" jen , i know but you know i'm getting him back ? i'll fucking beat the shit out of him . i don't want him near you . "

" matt , let's not make things worser. i'm just scared of cameron, i'm afraid he will try to rape me again or do something you know? " 

" he's not dropping a hand on you no more. i just lost my temper with him. " 

" i feel weak - " i exhaled 

" let's go home. " matt suggested and we did 

/////// home ///////

" hey mom. " 

" Lauryn. " 

" hey kiddos. I'm going to go pick up Gage, i'll be back in a few. " 

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