Part 33

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I'm backkkkk (: this is fun but short :(:


" Cameron, I don't think I can do this anymore. I have to leave. "

" Jen! One night, c'mon. "

" Look I - " I began speaking but then someone knocked on the door

It was Nash obviously

Cameron moved to aside and I opened the door

" Jenny. You're brother is out side. He's coming in to hang out with Cameron. I will pull you out once he gets in the room and take you home. Alright? "

I nodded nervously

" Fuck. " Cam whispered

" Here. I'll hide in the bathroom. " I turned around and saw Cameron but our lips met

" I AM SO SORRY - " I began

" Its okay Jen. Its just a kiss. Go! Go to the bathroom. " he replied

I got in and locked the door

Then I heard Gage come in

I for a second thought Gage was really mad at Cameron

But yet again, I as a girl don't know how the boys friendship works

" Bro, I got some new Xbox games. Let's play upstairs in my room. " I heard Cam

So it began

Nash quickly ran to the bathroom and knocked silently

He held my hand and I blushed

I mean I liked Nash

Not as a boyfriend though

He was gentle and sweet

Caring and genuine

We paced to the front door

" I'm meeting up with someone! " Nash yelled " Catch up with y'all later. "

We ran to his car and laughed for a bit

" Thanks boy. We almost did not get away with that one. "

" No probs. Just don't put yourself on risks. It all affect your timeline someday. Like you didn't have a reason to have sex with Cameron. "

I didn't speak for a bit

" Well, he just went away with it. Like it just happened. "

" I know - " Nash began

" He got away with it. " I replied

" I know chill. Cameron always gets away with everything. " he ended

I looked at him and just gave him a small smile

" Let's take you home. "

So we did, Nash drove me home


Once we got there Nash got out of the car and opened my door

I smiled

I hugged him

" Thank you so much for saving this weird and uncomfortable day. "

I pulled away

' No worries. " Nash said back

" I don't know how I must pay you back Nash. '

" You don't. Don't worry Jenny. Be safe. See you at Magcon? "

" Umm. You know what, I don't know. Thanks for reminding me about that. "

' So you're not going this year? C'mon fans already know you and Matt are something. You guys are like the cutest thing. " Nash said and opened his driving car seat door

He got in the car

" Not that. But we'll see. "

He waved goodbye and I did back as well

I got in the house and there was my momma

I was mad at her

" Who is that? Are you not dating Matt? The handsome boy? You are letting good things behind? "

" Mom calm down. I'm taking a shower and inviting Matt over. "

She talked back but I didn't hear

I quickly texted Matt to come in half an hour

I got in my shower and blasted my loud music

I put on one of the things Matt had gifted me

It was a baby blue one with gold polka dots

I then put on a two piece matching baby blue pajama set that had white lace

I dried my hair and placed it on a pony tail

I heard the doorbell and saw it was Gage

" Hey you kiddo. Where you've been? " he asked and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek

" Out. Just finding how to kill time. " I replied

I sat down on the kitchen counter and grabbed an orange

" You're not going to sleep? "

" I can't. I'm waiting for Matthew. " I said in a sad tone

" Oh well Megg is coming over. She's not coming right now though. "

" I see. " I replied

" Well see ya babe. I'm taking a shower. " Gage said

I nodded and just ate my orange

I after murmured like seven or eight Melanie Martinez songs


What's taking Matt so long?

I heard the doorbell and ran to the door

I slowly opened it and saw his shining eyes

" Baby. " I said and slammed the door opened

I got intop of him and he spun me

I kissed his lips twice

He kissed my nose tip

I held his hand

" C'mon Matt. I want to - " I spoke

" Wait, open this. " he said handing me a Hot topic bag

I open my eyes widely

" Matt what is this? " I spoke

" shhhhh " hwe silently said

I opened the bag and pulled out a Dead Kennedy's sweater

" MATT! " I squealed

" And here, one for me an one for you. " h esaid giving me a rectangle piece of paper

I turned it around

It was front row tickets to their concert

I looked at Matthew

He smiled and winked

I hugged him really tight and he kissed my forehead

" Thank you Matt. I love you so much. " I smiled

" Aw babe. Welcome, I love you more. Now let's get upstairs. "



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