Part 34

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Yo yo im ending this

um sjf = mahoganys friend who is stunnin' i'm pretty sure ya'll know who i'm talking about. i forgot her name so i just typed ' sjf ' sorry.


" I love you. " I said

" I love you more. " matt replied

I picked up everything and held his hand once again

We got into my room and I locked it

I set everything down on the floor and threw Matt on bed

I got intop of him and he grabbed my butt

" Why were you late! " I asked him

" I was packing for Magcon. Oh! I forgot sorry. "

" About? "

" Inviting you. You have to come. I will talk to your mom. Please come. "

" I do want to go. But this time I want to be around you all the time. Protect me. I love you. "

" I know better right? I love you more. I love spending time with you and fuck you always keep me in a good mood. "

" I've never heard you cuss. "

" Thats the first and last time you will. Now c'mon lets get started with your packing. "

He spanked my butt and we got up

I got out my silver suitcase which had clothes from the last trip

Matt started pulling out shirts from my closet

" Matt is this your beanie? " I showed him this gray Neff beanie

" Oh yes. I was looking for it. " he came to grab it then we heard the doorbell

" Do you want me to go get it? " Matt asked

" No. Gage will get it. " I spoke back

" Matt there's plenty of your clothes here.

" Set is aside and umm babe. "

" Yeah? "

" I gave you eight thangs. There's only seven here. Where's - "

" I'm wearing one. "

" Damn. Which one? "

" The black one with gold studs on the side. "

" Let me see girl. "

" Fine. "

I stood up and pulled down my shorts

" Ohh babe! " Matt said

He made sure the door was locked and said " You're going to stay like that for the rest of the night. "

" Matt no. "

" Yes please! " he whined

He smiled and I murmered ' fine '

Matt showed me what he picked out and placed it inside the suitcase

We then quickly finished everything and Matt texted the boys to make sure they remembered about the event and the time we where supposed to be there

For the rest of the night we played GTA with Gage and his girlfriend

We also watched this movie called The Theory of Everything which was so awesome

Matt acidentally fell asleep so I had to wake him up with kisses

" Matt. Matt. Babe. " I said

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